Welcome to Throwback Monday where we take a look at how things once were, or at least how certain famous cars were once built. This week we’re tagging along with England’s Princess Margret and her Husband, Lord Snowden as they visit the Rolls Royce factory in Crewe.
The relationship between England’s Royal Family and the country’s preeminent auto maker, Rolls Royce goes back almost a century. Charles Rolls—one of Great Britain’s earliest car dealers—had long hobnobbed with the well-to-do and the nobles, and so when he partnered with engineer Henry Royce to build the best car in the world, it seemed a natural fit that the most important family in Briton would have one.
That association began in 1919, when the Prince of Wales—later crowned King Edward VIII—took possession of a Barker-bodied Rolls Royce limousine.
In the 195o, Rolls Royce presented Princess Elizabeth with a Phantom IV, one of the world’s most exclusive cars. Only 18 were built in total, the other 17 of which were sold exclusively to Head of State and Royalty. The Royal Family’s Phantom remains in service today, and when used for chauffeuring the Queen, the kneeling Spirit of Ecstasy is replaced with the royal ceremonial mascot – a solid silver St George and the dragon.
As you would imagine with the Royals and Rolls being so close in both acquaintance and position, it’s not untoward to expect a visit every now and again to see how things are getting along. That’s what happened in 1962 when Princess Margaret and her husband Lord Snowden visited the Rolls Royce factory at Crewe to see the production process.
We get to see the adoring fans of the Royals waving their tiny Union Jacks, as the Countess and Lord Snowden arrive, and then it’s into the factory where the workers fawn over Royals while letting the production line grind to a halt. I’ll bet they only made one car that week instead of the typical two.
As befitting a brand with the reputation for being so quiet you can only hear the clock tick, this British Pathe film is silent. You can still however, feel the excitement.
Image: YouTube
Throwback Monday: Famous Factories
But where’s the Pantomime Princess Margaret?
http://www.timdrussell.com/images/pythonstills9467916/pantomime%20princess%20margaret.jpg -
Well, I can see your problem right there, you’ve got some Toffs stuck in the Works.
It took a while for Rolls Royce to be accepted as a suitable vehicle maker to the Royal Family. For many years they were seen as ‘a bit flash’ and ‘nouveau riche’, the sort of cars bought by property developers and entertainers and not suitable for anyone in the aristocracy, let alone the Royal Family as they were seen as ‘marketed’.
The official Royal maker was Daimler up until the 1950s, and they continued making cars for the Royal Family right up into the 90s.
In fact the last Daimler that wasn’t also available as a Jaguar, the1967-1992 DS420 was put back into production in 1996 four years after production finished, at the Family’s request, with two cars for the Queen and one for the Queen Mother. Another one was made and retained by Jaguar. These last four were the only fuel injected ones and had numerous other minor differences as supplies of some original items were no longer available.
Queen Mothers Daimler still owned by the Royal Family and still in use today.
1910 Daimler 57 hp limousine, an official state car for King George V
1936-1941 Daimler Straight Eight Limousine as used by Edward VIII, George VI and Queen Mary
1946-53 Daimler Straight Eight Limousine (transmission failure on one of these caused a change to RR Phantoms as the top royal car)
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/22/1947_Daimler_DE36_Limousine_Landaulette_%28YXB_99%29.jpg -
Can the next one have an ejector seat to send the old evil bitch away
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