The LS V8 is Still Sleeping Around


Last week, over on Jalopnik, we saw a Porsche 944 with a GM LS7 beating under its hood. Later that same day, right here on the most important car blog in the Hooniverse, I told you about another Euro-trasher that had gotten a bad case of the Chevys- an Aston Martin Lagonda that was just a fur coat and walking stick away from a start your own business deal.
Well now, today, we’ve found another one, and this time it’s from the Land of the Rising Fun- a Datsun Nissan, 240SX hatchback that has been converted to vette. This car is proof that no maker is safe from the insidious plot to 350 the world. Much like a rising horde of the un-dead, you’ll go to bed thinking everything is alright, and awake the next morning to clouds of tire smoke from Kias doing brodies in your cul-de-sac.
So lock your garage doors, get out your shotgun, and protect your little fourbangers from being taken over and turned into a LSombie.
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  1. Maymar Avatar

    I, for one, welcome our new V8 overlords. I'd like to remind them that as a current GM owner, I can be helpful in rounding up others to convert their assorted vehicles.
    I would just appreciate if one would insert itself in my back seat, a la V8 Corvair.

  2. skitter Avatar

    What can you do, it's a sleepy motor.

  3. faster,Tobias! Avatar

    I had an ’84 Toyota FJ which I’d had converted to the insidious 350 small block, though that isn’t an uncommon conversion. If you so wished too the thing would wrinkle tarmac. Alas, after the third transfer case in as many years I gave up on it. The eighteen year old I sold it to got a hell of a deal (it was an extensive resto and he got it for $3,500 CDN. I hope he is still alive to brag about it.

  4. Tanshanomi Avatar

    Know what would be cool? But that motor in a chassis that could really make use of all that power. Something like, um, a CORVETTE!
    Oh wait…

    1. acarr260 Avatar

      For the ultimate in irony, how about a 'Vette with a twin turbo Nissan Red Top hiding under the hood?

    2. acarr260 Avatar

      For the ultimate in irony, how about a 'Vette with a twin turbo Nissan Red Top hiding under the hood?

      1. Tanshanomi Avatar

        That's sick, twisted, irrational, illogical and silly.
        You and I are going to get along just fine.

  5. PowerTryp Avatar

    I'm glad you make it sound exactly like what it is, a trashy disease ridden thing to do. Rather than spend the time to learn about the engine that your car has and find out ways to make some extra power out of it or change your goal from be a drag strip monster to something that involves some skill.
    Someone needs to give Chevrolet some condoms because they'll try to stick it in anything.

    1. Texan_Idiot25 Avatar

      Do I need an LS-Powered Wambulance?

      1. PowerTryp Avatar

        Not really, the Nissan RB series engines and Ford Modulars are also common swaps for alot of cars. I was just playing along with the joke.

    2. name_too_long Avatar

      Doesn't bother me a bit on a 240SX. KA24s are surprisingly heavy, and the aluminum LS, as found in the Corvette, is surprisingly light. It's very well possible they did this swap without adding any meaningful weight or screwing up the balance of the car.
      I'm thinking this is probably a drift car, light, flickable, RWD chassis meets relatively light motor with boatloads of torque all over the place… sounds good to me. Probably cheaper in the long run to do this than a RB or SR swap what with LS parts being available in literally any podunk town.

  6. ptschett Avatar

    Small block Chevy (hereafter SBC) into an import doesn't bother me much. What does bother me is if the recipient has a viable performance-tunable V8 engine of its own marque and it gets the SBC anyway. For example swapping the SBC into a Ford where a Windsor or Cleveland wouldn't have cost much more (if any) and would have at least kept it in the family. Or putting the SBC in a Mopar where the LA family and new Hemi are credible options.
    If it has to be an SBC at least do something weird with it. (Like my dad's '55 IH pickup that had a 307ci, tunnel-ram, twin-4-barrel, 8000-RPM SBC in the mid-70's. I'm told it did 13's in the 1/4.)

  7. P161911 Avatar

    I still want a BMW 3 series with a Chevy 350 just so I can put 357 badges on the back of it.

    1. FЯeeMan Avatar

      With a 357 badge on the back, wouldn't most people think it some weird amalgamation of the 3- 5- & 7-series instead of assuming a cross breading along the lines of "you got Husky in my Schnauzer"?

      1. PowerTryp Avatar

        So it's like a really disperportionate girl? cute slim face, moderate size rack and a huge ass?

  8. acarr260 Avatar

    I think this is mandatory… let's see if images work.

    1. JeepyJayhawk Avatar

      I think you just won the thread.