The Great Podcast Catch Up Post

September 8th – Here is a brand new Cammed & Tubbed episode, back to our regularly scheduled programming.

The Cammed and Tubbed Podcast – Hand in Unlovable Hand

Hoons and Hoonettes, it is my solemn duty to apologize to you for missing nearly a month of podcast posts here on this great site. You see, I have been away from my home for over a month, and did not have time to get caught up on these posts until just today. For that, I am truly sorry. I was first on a vacation with my wife and her family, then off to H&R to drive one of their SEMA cars for European Car Magazine, then it was Car Week, and along with that came a Lemons Rally and I bought an unloved MG Midget. I went to a Willie Nelson concert, and followed that up with an assignment to drive Volvo’s new XC60 in Denver with an immediate flight to Atlanta to cover GridLife South 2017 (and the associated Ludacris concert) with Greggy Kach. Once I returned home, podcasts were on the back burner, but now they’ve been moved to the fore. You can catch up on all of that stuff and more with this playlist of podcasts that I was on. It’s a lot of content being thrown at you at once, but I must humbly request your time to listen to them all, as they’re all worthwhile. Sorry for the podcast dump, but hopefully you have a long road trip coming up where you can catch up on everything. Or perhaps a flight? I listen to a lot of podcasts on planes. It’s soothing. Hit the jump for everything you missed while I was away.

August 10th – Brad interviews the good folks at H&R Suspension after driving a few of their show car, falls in love with an E30 in the process.

The Cammed and Tubbed Podcast – Brad Falls For an E30

August 10th – Pat and Eric talk about motorsports on The DFL Show

The DFL Show – Not Proud

August 14th – Brad joins the Clutchkick Podcast boys for their 99th episode to discuss why they’re candy-asses for not camping at Laguna Seca overnight.

Clutchkick – Camping Intents

August 17th – Cam talks to Pete Tanshanomi about motorcycles and music and whatnot.

The Cammed and Tubbed Podcast – My Mom Drives That Car

August 21st – Brad celebrates the 100th episode of Clutchkick Podcast by sitting in for the second week in a row. MG-buying discussion begins here.

Clutchkick – Car Week 2017

August 27th – Brad joins Pat and Stef to talk about motorsports and recount the Lemons Rally West experience.

The DFL Show – Freeform Jazz Night

August 31st – Brad and Cam bury the hatchet now that he’s finally seen Baby Driver. Brad buys a shoddy MG, and Cam buys a shoddy moped.

The Cammed and Tubbed Podcast – Midget Driver

September 1st – Pat and Eric talk about hurricanes, plus some news from across the world of racing.

The DFL Show – Hurricane Alliteration

September 4th – Brad joins the JoeQCar show to discuss the future of electric motorsports (like Formula E).

JoeQCar Show – Bradley Brownell on Electrification and Racing

September 7th – Stef joins Pat to discuss her recent trip to Italy, as well as toilet phones.

The DFL Show – Toilet Phone

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3 responses to “The Great Podcast Catch Up Post”

  1. nanoop Avatar

    Don’t you worry, my playlist is still at the August 18th episode – you spoiled the surprise with the MG, though (no you didn’t, I’ve read the abstract).

  2. saab gee Avatar
    saab gee

    A podcast is an episodic sequence of digital audio or video recordsdata which a person can obtain and take heed to. It’s usually out there for subscription, in order that new episodes are routinely downloaded through internet syndication to the person’s personal native pc, cell utility, or moveable media participant.

  3. Usama Khan Avatar
    Usama Khan

    It will take a lot of time for me to view all the data displayed on this url so i will come back view the rest of the podcast. I was recently doing a podcast of a startup in Russia and i was so surprised to know that people are actually bringing startups that will only have podcast sessions on different of things. So i thought to go on put my product their as well anyways thanks for sharing this post.. i will get back on it.