Another week has creaked past, and so we celebrate by climbing the ladder of intrigue up onto the diving board of exploration, ready to plunge inelegantly into the murky, slightly malodorous lagoon of motoring history. Welcome back once more to The Carchive.
Last week we spent a little while looking at what Nissan had to offer their most discerning British customers at the turn of the ’80s. Today we’re pondering Austin Rover at a time which was actually, I promise, a very interesting period in their existence. It’s a video this time, I’m afraid.
Basically, there’s way too much in this brochure to be covered in prose ‘n photos, so I figured that video would work better. Feel free to listen to the clip below with the sound turned to mute, I’m sure my wife would seize the chance to turn my voice down too if she had it.
(Video “produced” by Chris Haining for Hooniverse using original manufacturer publicity materials. Copyright on the actual brochure belongs to BMW I should imagine, unless the rights vaporised during the Phoenix Iniative, which is wholly possible.)
The Carchive: The '86 Austin Rover Range- In Video!
I’ve only made it as far as two models into that guide. I’d better pick up the pace.
Remind me at some point to recount the brief time I spent with a Montego loaner car when my P6 was laid up with (insert forgotten malady here).
You’ll be pleased to know that, so far, the brochure has proven very mechanically reliable.
-Although being mechanically obsolete.
Somewhere out there is a Rover 216Si Vanden Plas with your name on it.
Then you can go to the Japanese car club meets.
I’m wondering if the layout of that brochure wasn’t a freelance job by some of the design staff of Car Magazine – the layout, masthead, name, and general feel are all virtually exactly the same as Car had at the time.
Generally, I like model proliferation. This is a strong argument against it.
And from that level of model range to bankruptcy in under twenty years.
From that little slice of time where the SD1 range coexisted with the new 800 range.
And the CCV, what a missed opportunity that turned into. When marketing clinics ruin your car.
From this …
To this…
Looks like the result of a thousand, painful, tedious, stemwinding cuts.
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