Another week and another great guest. Jonathon is our first returning guest (well, except for Jason). Jonathon was recently hired by Automobile Magazine (Part of TEN: The Enthusiast Network), and we had him on to talk about it, and give him a congratulatory conversation. Cam and Tub and Jason are also on this one, but you’d probably never know it, as Klein could talk forever! Somebody get this man a podcast!
This episode’s topics include: What’s on your desk, Jonathon’s new job, an upcoming Hyundai event that Jon and Brad are both attending [Tub Note: I actually just got back home as I’m typing this. More info coming Monday.], we talk a bit about music, and beer, and movies, and other junk. Then, the unthinkable happens. During the podcast we notice Cam has gone a bit quiet and contemplative, so we ask him about it. Apparently, he’d just gotten a series of text messages informing him that his band, Dirt Rockets, has broken up. We spend a good chunk of time trying to ease his shock. Then we talk about the new 718 Boxster, the impossibility of the new Golf R420 (and the mid-engine Corvette), and close out with a few high-fives. Enjoy!
The Cammed and Tubbed Podcast – Beginning & End
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