[Ed. Note: Sorry for the poorly mixed audio. This has been corrected and properly synced now. If you had previously downloaded the episode and ran into sync issues at the 17 minute mark, this has been remedied, and you can re-download now for a fully fixed audio version.]
After some, admittedly terrible audio last week, we’re back with a vengeance, to prove that we’re still the podcast you not only want, but deserve! Jason, Brad, and Cam are all gathered around their microphones, and we’ve co-opted Jonathon Klein to help us out this week. Jonathon’s been plotting hostile takeover of the Hooniverse Podcast Network, and this is just step 2 of his master plan. Check it out to see if he succeeds.
This Episode’s topics include: A couple of the D’s, Brad humble brags about a Volkswagen trip, a Los Angeles trip, and an upcoming Porsche trip, Jason and Jonathon talk about MPG Track Day, Beautiful Ferraris (or a lack thereof), and Back to the Future (We recorded on BTTF day). Check out below the jump to see our newest YouTube Videos.
The Cammed and Tubbed Podcast – Humble Brad W/ Jonathon Klein
Video #1 – Cam’s chat with his dad
Video #2 – Brad’s discussion of #Bradsport
Video #3 – Jason weighs his options on fuel
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