The ever-intrepid Eric Rood (formerly of Hooniverse fame) was recently brought along on Hot Rod Drag Week as one of the staffers working with the crew to keep information and the event itself flowing smoothly through a week of high-speed high jinks. As we’ve done in the past, Eric sits down with Brad (Tub) to talk about motorsport. This was an interesting one, as there are lots of behind-the-scenes stories that can’t even be told in this 80 minute episode. We discuss the realities of “street legality” (you’re welcome, Jeff), and talk about some of the neat stuff Eric witnessed over the course of the week. Tune in to find out what goes into an event like this, and a little of what it’s like to hit the big time and work for PRINT MEDIA!
The Cammed and Tubbed Podcast – Hot Rod Drag Week Special W/ Eric Rood
Thanks to Hot Rod for putting on such an awesome event, and Eric Rood for telling awesome stories about it.
The Cammed & Tubbed Podcast: Episode 75 – Hot Rod Drag Week Special W/ Eric Rood
The reason hot rodders like E-85 is because it has a high octane rating, something around 100 (it varies depending on where you get it), which means you can run higher compression and/or boost before detonation happens, which ups horsepower. Also, like all alcohols, E-85 has a cooling effect that reduces the temperature of the incoming fuel/air mixture, which again helps power (especially for forced induction motors).
Add in the fact that it typically costs 10-15% less than 87 octane fuel, it seems like a very good deal for speed junkies. There is one down side, however. E-85 burns at a lower BTU than straight gasoline, meaning it requires more fuel to produce the same amount of energy as gas (around 10-15% less). But if your getting 10mpg normally, a one-one and a half mpg difference won’t really matter.
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