Jason’s back from his birthday hiatus (and his stint on the hoonicast and TST), and he’s joined as usual by Cam and Tub. Cam’s still recording with his cellular telephone, hopefully for the last time. We really had fun with this hour, and we hope you enjoy it.
This episode’s topics include: Little Lamborghinis, The 3 Ds, Cam’s RX7 starts and runs again, Brad’s Boxster starts and runs again after a battery debacle, Jason talks about his time away, Brad (weirdly) lusts after a new Jetta Sport, and we discuss ‘friend of the show’ Mr. Regular’s new gig at Road & Track.
The Cammed and Tubbed Podcast – Up In The Hooniverse Hills
Thanks for listening, from Cam, Tub, and Jason.
I’m pretty sure there was a video I said I’d link here, and then forgot all about. Sorry guys… If you catch what it is, drop me a line and I’ll replace this bit with the video.
As always, we’d really appreciate it if you would rate us on iTunes, share us with your friends, and maybe if you’re feeling nice, go give us a ‘like’ on Facebook. Also, go check out our weekly curated music playlists on YouTube.
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