Welcome back to the land of C & T. We’ve got a jam-packed episode for you this week. Your favorite car guys, Cam, Brad, and Jason, are back to wax poetic about almost everything. Keep listening after the episode for a special interview with sportsball player (he pitches for the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim, and for the record, I still think its ridiculous that the team’s name translates to the the angels angels.) and racing team owner, Mr. C.J. Wilson. He debuted a new race car, so I had a nice phone conversation with him about it. He’s a cool guy!
This episode’s topics include: The 3 D’s (Drinks, Desk, and Driving music), we all have some project car updates, Cam sold his Celica, Brad’s Boxster melt-down has turned into an Audi melt-down, and Jason is making progress on his Eleanor project.
The Cammed and Tubbed Podcast – Sell-ica
Thanks for listening, from:
Cam –
Cam looks like he’s having fun in his girlfriend’s basket handle rabbit.
Tub –
Brad doesn’t look like he’s having fun behind the wheel of his Boxster. Busted water pump took the serp belt with it. Alternators, air conditioning, and power steering pumps don’t like to operate without a belt.
and Jason –
Jason looks pretty indifferent to be behind the wheel of a Ford Street Ka convertible.
As always, we’d really appreciate it if you would rate us on iTunes, share us with your friends, and maybe if you’re feeling nice, go give us a ‘like’ on Facebook. Also, go check out our weekly curated music playlists on YouTube.
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