The LA Times is reporting today that the Los Angeles Opera is presenting two workshop performances of a newly commissioned opera called “The 110 Project,” about the lives and loves of people living along the path of the harbor freeway.
Commissioned by LA Opera’s Education and Community Programs department, the work will be highlighted by a libretto from Shannon Halwes and author MG Lord, and will feature a score by Laura Karpman.
As the production has yet to debut there’s no way of telling what the work will sound like, but hopefully the composers didn’t take their cues from the staccato sounds of the freeway itself. The bumper-to-bumper drama many angelenos find themselves in on a daily basis traversing the Pasadena to the Pedro five-lane is typically more tragedy than comedy, so anything that brings levity to the experience would most likely be welcome. Personally, I like the Rabbit of Seville.
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