This is a great story. When I first found the internet, I hung out at the Craigslist Auto forum. One of the regulars, AK, shared this story with me. His friend wanted to buy a new, black Bentley that cost 135,000 pounds. His wife would not let him. So he did the only rational thing– He bought ten black cars, each worth approximately 13,500 pounds.
What did he buy?
- 1995 Range Rover Vogue (picked up cheap at police auction, former drug dealer car)
- 1990 Jaguar XJS convertible
- 2005 Ford Mustang
- 1995 BMW M3
- 1999 TVR Chimera
- 1982 Bentley Mulsanne Turbo
- 1989 Porsche 944 Cabrio
- 1982 Porsche 911 SC Targa
- 1984 Mercedes 350SL
- Other than the 911, the other cars were less than 13,500 pounds. So with the extra, leftover cash, he bought his tenth car, a 1990 Aston Martin Virage
So if you could buy ten $20,000 cars, what would you buy?
Image source: Flickr
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