Can there be an everything car? Can it fulfill each and every need you have for the one car you will own? Tesla hit a pretty high watermark with the Model S, it’s well put together, it’s fast, it’s full of wonderful technology. The center stack is the stuff of a tech wizards dream, so what could possibly be wrong?
I turned to something a little bit different and wanted to test out not only the Tesla itself, but in a very fitting way to actually get behind the wheel. I obtained this particular Model S through a website and an app called Relay Rides. Think of it as an Airbnb for cars, something pretty brave to let your personal car out there, but also could be a strong business decision.
I stormed around North County San Diego in this Model S to find out how good it can be to live with it on a daily basis.
Tesla Model S: Is this the Everything Car?
I fail to see the revolutionary value, or rather the media hype of the Tesla Model S. It doesn’t exceed other cars in the executive segment in any mass market significant way apart from potentially having lower running costs (provided the fuel and electricity prices stay the same). But with Germany’s expensive electricity, a diesel E-Class wagon will only be marginally more expensive to run, go approximately double as far, take far quicker to refuel (even when ignoring the sparse network of electric quick charge owed to the niche market), and adults can actually sit in the third row without cutting their heads off beforehand. The Model S is a harbinger of greatness, but it’s far from there.
And until then we may have mastered a cycle of hydrocarbon based fuel usage and hydrocarbon based fuel production through water and carbon dioxide synthesis anyway. Keyword “Fischer-Tropsch process”, it’s already a working principle, you only have to make it economical.-
I see what you’re saying, believe me I do. But everyone’s electricity isn’t as expensive as in Germany… hell, the ethernet switch in my German-designed cable modem is set to 100Mbit instead of gig to “save power”.
Also, a Model S P85D is a second faster to 100 than an M5. Both would leave a “diesel E class wagon” in the dust and then some.-
Yeah but how often are you going to have to get to 100 this quickly? I’d rather set out for vacation and arrive in Italy on the same day.
you’re being way too practical for a conversation about luxury cars
I think the big thing is that the Model S can even be mentioned seriously in the same context as some very established players, even as Tesla’s second attempt at a car, and even as an electric car.
Also, I wish it weren’t so, but I’m only 5’9, and the E-class wagon’s third row is equally uninhabitable for me.
*thinks about Airbnb for cars*
I should probably get the insurance, right
https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/11425160_828727580516398_866887709916153228_n.jpg?oh=12f6e3b83fc85b48f2c28a468047262e&oe=56081BC1 -
Can I hop in and drive for 12 hours with less than 2 hours of total stops? If not then it isn’t ready to be a do everything car. This is coming from someone that has leased a Leaf. Electric cars have their place, but that place isn’t as the sole vehicle for the large majority of people, at least not until there is a nationwide network of very fast chargers or battery swap locations.
I need an education on electric motor efficiency. I’m not interested in peak efficiency. I’m increased about efficiency across the entire map of RPM and power output.
I suddenly understand why.
A friend of mine has one and it’s a blast to drive. But it’s too heavy for my tastes, every turn of the steering wheel reminds you of a massive butt…
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