Lego Tesla Cybertruck looks better than the real thing

Many of us are finally sobering to the realization that the Tesla Cybertruck wasn’t a joke. It seems like Tesla really wants to build and sell this truck. Thousands of people put a deposit on it. I have theories and opinions on this truck that I’ll keep them to myself for now.

Those who put a deposit on this truck please have your head examined will probably have to wait at least two years for their rig to arrive, which is unfortunate. But what is fortunate is that you can have Tesla Cybertruck now in Lego version. Sort of, because it is not an official Lego set.

Peter Blackert, a Lego car builder type of dude, and an author of Lego books created his own Cybertruck. And it looks pretty bad-ass (the Lego truck, not the real truck) and rather realistic to the one some stoner Tesla made. You can see more of it and a SpaceX CyberTruck version on his Flicker account. He even made a little quad that goes in the bed and a little guy who is supposed to resemble Elon himself.

The darn thing is pretty awesome in the Lego version. I think it’s my favorite Cybertruck to date, surpassing Greg’s rendering. Peter included the solar cell bed cover, too. Sadly the tailgate that turns into a ramps seems to be missing from the production truck but it is present in the SpaceX version. True to the actual truck, side mirrors are missing in action.

Very cool design, Peter. Hopefully directions for it will be downloadable one day so that we all can build a Cybertruck of our own. 





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10 responses to “Lego Tesla Cybertruck looks better than the real thing”

  1. 0A5599 Avatar

    The Lego version is better than the Musk version, but that’s still a low bar.

    Greg has the best version. That doesn’t mean I want one, though.

    1. crank_case Avatar

      Probably better build quality too.

  2. salguod Avatar

    The Cybertruck may be real (but with two years to production, is it likely?), but it’s still a joke.

    Actually, it’s closer to a PR stunt and a fundraiser. At last count they’ve taken 200K deposits, or $20 million.

    1. Vairship Avatar

      This! Most of those $100 “deposits” won’t turn into actual orders as the truck (and especially the low-priced version, shades of the Model 3) gets delayed and delayed. But $20 million of free money is nice (Funding Secured!), and the real reason for starting this far ahead of actual production. It’s close to the Tucker business model, but not quite the same.

      If I’m not mistaken, we’ll first get the Model Y, then the 18-wheeler, then the Roadster and THEN this pickup. So about five years from now?

      1. salguod Avatar

        There are a lot of reports on Twitter of folks accidentally ordering multiple trucks. Something about the way the website works making it unclear if it went through, so they do it again. So how many of these deposits are real?

        1. Vairship Avatar

          How many deposits came from people under the age of 12? The styling appears to see them as the focus group.

    2. nanoop Avatar

      While your calculation is sound, I wonder how much one can do in the automotive industry with so little money. Won’t even be enough to increase customer service substantially and sustainably.

      1. Lokki Avatar

        The money itself isn’t important; it’s the large showing of “potential customers”. This is what keeps the stock price up and keeps “the banks” willing to lend more money to an objectively money losing company.

        It’s all about how great Tomorrow©️ Is going to be….

        1. salguod Avatar

          Exactly, it’s all about keeping the investors happy and continuing to invest. The extra $20M in cash doesn’t hurt either. Nevermind the quality issues. Nevermind the lack of profits. Nevermind the debt load. It’ll be great, once we get to tomorrow, so keep investing!

  3. Tone Avatar

    This needs to be submitted to LEGO Ideas, post haste.