The Saga of Team Uberbird, Part I: Saturday
[singlepic id=577 w=640 h=480 float=center] We came out of Buttonwillow with some busted parts and a massive to-do list of what we needed to fix, along with a whole new theme. We hit the track for practice on Friday about three inches lower, two feet more noseconier, four feet more winged and with twice as…
Hooniverse Does the Car Show
Today marks the first press day of the Los Angeles Auto Show, and for some reason they thought it was a good idea to let Hooniverse attend. We’re going to check things out and see if there’s anything Hoontastic to report. We’ll spare you the news about the new colors on the Camry and such.
Last Call- Reliance Tractors Edition
Here’s the product label for a part I recently recently received via UPS. The application list reads like a panoply of failed English (and one Italian) auto makers. With the exception of Ford, Land Rover and – surprisingly – Lotus, everyone else has gone the way of Elvis, and parts like this are become harder…
Take My Fire Extinguisher Away: Peugeot 405 Gets this Ad Hot 'n Heavy
Say what you will about the decline and fall of the French auto manufacturer’s expedition in the American market, but I for one miss the unique flavor (“Mmmm … rusty …”) that Peugeot and AMC-Renault brought to our shores. Of course, if you’ve been around the block, you’re already familiar with their, uh, avant-garde advertising…
Bird-Brained Motorist Goes Colonel Sanders on an Emu
If you’re driving down the highway and happen to spot an enormous bird on the side of the road, would your first thought be Mmm, vittles? That seems to have been the case with this pickup truck driver that decided to go a-rasslin’ with a road-side Emu. Unlike the eponymous Big Bird from Sesame Street,…
Ferrari Scuderia Replica — Some Assembly Required
Perhaps “replica” is a bit of a strong word. Imitation? That’s even a bit generous.
Scirocco to Blow Through LeMons
If you’ve been contemplating taking a run at the 24 hours of LeMons, but haven’t come across a steed that possesses the unique balance of sub-$500 crappiness and still being passably competitive, then we may have found something to pique your curiosity. Straight out of Long Beach comes this ’86 VW Scirocco with both the…
Volvette Gives Hints On How GM Can Save Saab
If you haven’t been following the news in the automotive world lately (I haven’t), there appears to be some consternation surrounding the sale of Saab. The last I heard, Koenigsegg was supposed to be purchasing the company, but I’m told they have since backed out.
Hooniverse Asks- What's the Best Getaway Car?
In today’s economy, making a living can take some creative thinking, or even a dip into the dark, exciting world of criminal acts. As the banks seem to be pretty flush after getting their bailouts with OUR cash, it seems fitting to try and make ends meet by making a few withdrawls- using a 45…
1956 Porsche 356 For Sale: Extra Crispy Edition
Our friends at Bring-A-Trailer (the site that causes my marriage to to take a step back anytime I email my wife a listing), have found this formerly excellent 1956 Porsche 356 for sale on eBay. I say “formerly” because this car had a massive fire and needs more than a Maaco spray job and a…
Sign of the Times- Twitter Billboard FAIL
It’s hard for the local news to seem relevant when everybody’s already got the dope from their Twitter feed, 140 characters at a time. Taking a can’t beat ’em-join ’em mentality, Local 15 in Mobile Alabama posted a billboard at a busy intersection that broadcasted their own twitterings as a tease and to show just…
Last Call-Lt. Dan's Revenge Edition
Life is like the box of of a Chevy pickup. . . Thanks to Texan_Idiot25.
Electric 914 Has Potential
Ah…the classic problem of the “city car”. Most people’s daily driving could be handled with a compact 2-seater with a range of about 50-100 miles. This is a concept we here at Hooniverse support. After all, it leaves more money and gas for the 427 powered Sunbeam or Cummins-swapped International crew cab weekend project. Alas,…
1960 Power Wagon Offers an Odd Mix of Panache and Indestructability
Apparently it’s Classic Truck Day or something. Nowadays we’re all used to fancy-dance trucks that never see a day of hard work in their pathetic, suburban lives. However, I’m told that back around 1960 trucks were used for work and not much else. There’s no need for stylish frippery when you’ve got apatasaurus legs to…
HooniMerch Sale Until December 3rd
I just wanted to send a note to you all who have been thinking about buying some sweet HooniMerch… the site we use for our store is offering 25% orders of $40 or more right now. All you need to do is use the following code: CYBER49. Or, if you are from the great Northern…
Hey, You Got Your Tiny Kit Car In My Motorcycle!
Ah, the French. Culinary masters, originators of the sublime art of the mime, and super sidecar builders. . . . whaaaaa? Twenty years ago a friend offered François Knorreck a ride in the sidecar of his motorcycle. Knorreck was so enraptured by the experience that he vowed to create the ultimate side car, and spent…