2020 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon Recon


  • VAZ 2107 Outruns Shelby Mustang, Camaro and Jeep




    [youtube width=”560″ height=”340″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHD8Xf5Rnvo[/youtube] Well, virtually, at least. Normally we’re not huge on “oooh, pretty rendering” stuff, but this one’s got some cool twists. Not a bad way to start a Friday. Hat Tip to Jeremy L aka ssurfer321.

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  • Streetwalking: Rode Hard and Put Away Wet




    While the Best of France and Italy car show managed to have a representation of most every make and model of car those two countries officially sent to the U.S., as well as many that made it over here surreptitiously, one car that wasn’t present on the grass was the Peugeot 504. Well, we found one,…

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  • Last Call- Burning Man Nekobasu Seats 12, Buries its Poop




    In My Neighbor Totoro, Catbus whisks riders over both forest and stream. At Burning Man, it takes you to the Porta-potties. Image source: [neatorama]

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  • Hooniverse Asks, Bonus Edition: What Would A Hooniverse Coat of Arms Look Like?




    Perhaps it’s because I’m not feeling too hot, but my mind is wandering something fierce today. But nevertheless, I want to poll the populace; if Hooniverse had a coat of arms, what would it look like?

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  • Streetwalking: Killer Beetle




    Further supporting the theory that all the coolest stuff comes out at night, we stumbled across this awesome Beetle at a gas station nearby.

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  • Breaking News- Ford Announces The '93 Taurus




    Ford Unveils New Car For Cash-Strapped Buyers: The 1993 Taurus Sometimes the Onion can be damn-funny.

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  • F1-67 Gives Us Inferiority Complex




    Let’s face it, we love cars of all description. We’re pretty much willing to try anything, and there aren’t a whole lot of vehicles that we wouldn’t be chomping at the bit to grab by the scruff of the neck and take for the ride of our lives.

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  • Real Hoons of Genius




    (Real Hoon of genius) We salute you, Mr. Overpass-hanging Beertruck Driver. Because when other truck drivers are clogging the highways with spilled loads of rasberry jam (it’s so sticky) and watermelons (you’d think seedless wouldn’t be so messy), you bring it. If people have to be stuck in traffic (feels like it’s been hours), you…

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  • Craigslist Find- One of Eight Lotus 340R




    Are you flexible enough to try the Lotus position? How about the pole position?

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  • Hooniverse Asks- What was Your Most Impressive Accidental Car Hoon?




    You’ve had it happen to you- an amazing recovering from a patch of black ice, the dodge around the moose that’s wandered into the path of your car – and the two things that they all have in common are the adrenaline-powered butt-pucker, and the realization that you don’t know how you could have just…

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  • It was Nice Knowing You: YZ400 Powered Buggy-Thing




    We’re always astounded by mismatched levels of fabrication ability. Case in point: the creator of this buggy thing had the means to build this death trap contraption, but elected not to fit it with a windshield, cage or body panels beyond what looks like plexiglass. He (no way this was a girl) apparently has two…

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  • Out of Print- What Year Is It?




    The major American auto makers have had a hard time of it the past couple years, and in fact, while Ford has managed to hang on to its independence, both GM and Chrysler have had major changes thrust upon them. This might seem like the industry has reached a sui generis state of affairs, however…

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  • Road Rage Roundup: It Seemed Like A Good Idea At The Time




    My first regular series as Murilee Martin, way back in early ’07, was Road Rage Roundup, and it started off pretty well.

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  • Last Call- Things On A Stick Edition




    Corn dogs, frozen bananas, shish-kabob, stick a food on a stick and not only is it more convenient, but it seems to taste better. As Texan_idiot25 discovered, that’s even true for Frogs. Thanks to Texan_idiot25 for the snap.

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  • Turbo 6-Series Project Brings the Crazy by the Bucketload




    The good news is, for the $4995 asking price, the seller throws in a 2-ton engine hoist. The bad news is pretty much everything else. This project is the automotive equivalent of getting a whole foil-tray worth of leftover pasta from the company lunchroom on your way out the door at 6:30pm. So much food!…

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  • Parking Masters: Elderly Stereotype Edition




    We generally try and avoid stereotyping. Just because someone drives a Buick, it doesn’t automatically mean that they’re elderly. I myself still have a ’93 Buick Century gradually decaying in the rainy weather of the North Coast of British Columbia, and I’m not that elderly. Well, not compared to Graverobber, anyhow.

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