When gas gets up to $5.00, if I’m not taking the train I’m gonna be driving something like this. The LoMax is a Citroen 2CV based fiberglass kit car sporting a triplex of wheels. According to the seller it’ll get 57mpg at (slow) freeway speeds, but has no problem keeping up with the fast lane (80+ mph) with it’s four speed transmission. If
Three wheels puts it in Goldilocks legal status in California: not a car (no smog, cheaper reg, etc), but no motorcycle helmet or M license required. The helmet might not be required, but given that the Mad_Science_day_job commute is 80 freeway miles round trip, it’s sort of a toss-up between a bigger windscreen or a storm trooper helmet for extra bug/rock/cigarette/pelican protection. Right hand drive would take some getting used to, but it’s all the better to get your brain working on the way to the cube farm. Given the quality workmanship visible in the listing the price is lower than you might think: $2k with reserve unmet, $10k buy it now.
Hat Tip to DamnElantra!
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