Saab Museum Saved – City of Trollhättan Buys Entire Collection
Saab 93 750 Super Sport I’m happy to report that my earlier post on the Saab Museum auction is now completely redundant except for those dream garage doodlings: nobody except the City of Trollhättan and the Wallenberg family fund is getting any Saabs and they’re getting them all themselves. According to Dagens Nyheter, the city together with the Wallenberg family (original owners of Saab) posted a winning bid and the entire collection gets to stay exactly where it is, safe inside the museum walls. The new/old owners are investing 28 million SEK (about $4115000 USD) into the collection. Honestly, in my opinion this is the only way it should have gone. Now the most important Saabs ever built can stay together, and hopefully the shoddier ones mentioned in the auction PDF get some refreshing done to them. The museum will be open to the public, so it’s a good idea to consider checking out those ticket prices for flights to Sweden.
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