Regular Car Reviews is on the way up again – with crowdfunding


For the semi-recent past, I have been enjoying Regular Car Reviews‘ “Automobile Roasts”, for the lack of a better term. That’s what they are, really – take a fairly random car offered by a random dude or a fan of the YouTube channel, see the blurry-faced reviewer dissect the car with a part deadpan, part creepy delivery, put together in an uncomplicated fashion. It’s a good recipe for a fresh slice of YouTube weirdness – definitely a step towards to the weird part of YouTube instead of a regular review per se. They’re polarizing if anything, but immensely popular: the number of subscribers soared from 1000 to 47,000 from September 2013 to February 2014.

And this past Monday the only car Mr. Regular had at his disposal, a Toyota Echo, met an untimely end in a traffic accident in snowy conditions. With the Echo rendered unusable (albeit still working because it’s a cheap and simple Toyota), the show faced a steep cliff as there would be no way to visit reviewable cars and create more content. The love-it-or-hate-it nature of the show manifested itself in a load of “DOES THIS MEAN THIS SH*T IS FINALLY OVER” comments in some parts of the internet, but luckily the crowdfunding site put up to enable sourcing of a new used car for him has been a tremendous success. He wanted to scrape up a mere 5k and it’s now at more than double that. In addition to just getting some wheels, the money will make it possible for him to do a roadtrip to visit people eager to get their own cars reviewed in the show.

There’s still 46 days left in the FundAnything RegularCarReviewsResurrection *inhale* process, so if you like the show, throw him a few bucks. I’d like to see the show go on.


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