It’s not too often that I feature the same car twice. The town and the country are well enough filled with interesting cars, so there’s rarely need to re-run stuff or do a clip show. However, this time this Fiero looks just a bit sadder than before, not to mention somewhat abandoned on a garage parking lot.
I featured it back in March, back when it did grocery runs no problem; now it sits frozen still while the snowplows just choose to drive around it.
The 1989-registered Fiero probably belongs to a guy wrenching for a living at the garage, and it looks like it’s encountered a problem and frozen. The snow masks its shape somewhat comically, with the light pods sticking out and the rear window looking like a pillbox on a snowy mountainside.
It’s not too clearly visible on this shot, but the side cladding ahead of the driver’s side rear wheel has been removed, probably for parts access. I have no idea what it’s like to wrench on a late-model Fiero, whether you can reach parts easily.
[Images: Copyright 2012 Hooniverse/Antti Kautonen]
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