Podcast: Episode 2Be Prepared

Podcast Image Lead Episode 2

We’re now just two episodes in, and Blake Z. Rong has already ditched me. He went to Amsterdam to play patty-cake with Antti, or maybe he went to drink and have fun, I forget. Either way, the Hooniverse Podcast show must go on! I’m joined by Zack Klapman, who you probably know from The Smoking Tire. Additionally, Zack is a producer of many of the great videos from Drive, as well as one of the producers of this very podcast.

What’s on the menu for the recording? We talk about the opening of Gotham Dream Cars West, horsepower wars, the Volkswagen Golf GTD, and a familiar Firebird. Hop past the break for links to Episode Two.

Hooniverse Podcast Episode Two on ShoutEngine: Podcast Ep. 2
Hooniverse Podcast Episode Two on iTunes: Podcast Ep. 2 on iTunes (Note: iTunes is slower to update, so keep your eyes peeled to that page it should be there soon – sorry for the delay)

If none of that is working for whatever reason, you can just grab the MP3 file right here: Direct Download

Go, download, play it right in your browser, listen to it on the train later, either way go forth and enjoy!

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8 responses to “Podcast: Episode 2Be Prepared”

  1. POLAЯ Avatar

    Subscribe! Subscribe! Suuuubbbbbbssssccccrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiibe!

    <img src="https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/7050517248/h571E7737/&quot; width="600">

    Hit it! I did!

    1. admin Avatar

      This gif makes me very happy…. SUUUUHMAYSH

      1. POLAЯ Avatar

        Kai's my guy!

  2. BobWellington Avatar

    The second episode isn't on ShoutEngine…

    1. admin Avatar

      It is now, sorry about that – it's also up on iTunes. https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/hooniverse/id

  3. essayland service Avatar

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  4. lorashorman Avatar

    i love this one, because it reminds me to do something stupidity with no fear, as well i do before of Maximum Shred supplement. i hanged a 8 inch bottle in my underwear and walk in dense populated area… haha