Podcast: Episode 1We’re back baby…

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We existed before… and we’ll exist again.” – I just made these words up, but they sound like they could’ve been spewed from the mouth of a great Sci-Fi-centric General.

Let me try that again, “Take my love, take my land, take me where I cannot stand, I don’t care, I’m still free, you can’t take the sky from me“. Yes, if you’re curious, I did just watch Firefly for the first time ever. It’s perfect timing though, because I realized there was a portion of the Hooniverse that I wanted to bring back. No, smart asses, it’s not the part where we were good (unfortunately). I’m referring to the part where you heard our actual voices.

Awhile back, Mr. Han Solex (AKA I work for Road & Track now, so stop calling me) started the Hoonicast. It was irreverent and funny, and it ended way too soon. I was never able to be a part of it, and it was one of two regrets here within the Hooniverse. I’ll reveal the second regret the day we sell out.

Rather than dwell on the Hoonicast past, however, I welcome you to the Hooniverse Podcast future. We’ve got a real production team, that’s furiously punching wires and plugging holes behind the scenes. Apparently everything has lined up though, because now it’s time to dip your toes into this aural world.

Come join myself and my wonderfully wordsmithilicious co-host Blake Z. Rong on the Hooniverse Podcast… queue Magic Carpet Ride, and let’s do this.

UPDATE: Now available on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/hooniverse/id615401490

Here’s a link to our podcast download: http://shoutengine.com/Hooniverse/.

You’ll be able to grab the MP3 file of Episode One right there. We’re also adding the podcast to iTunes, but that takes time and I didn’t want to wait any longer on this.

What do we talk about on this episode?

-Blake attends the Cadillac V-Series school at Spring Mountain.
-We both didn’t attend the Chicago Auto Show.
-I attend the Mecum auction in Florida.
-We talk about some new car stuff.
-We talk about some older car stuff.

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13 responses to “Podcast: Episode 1We’re back baby…”

  1. Irishzombieman Avatar

    I just discovered Firefly in December and have watched the entire series three times since.

    And it kinda freaks me out that I was humming the theme song just now and suddenly THERE'S THE WORDS ON THE SCREEN IN FRONT OF ME.

    1. admin Avatar

      I just watched Serenity last night… it was excellent.

      1. pj134 Avatar

        I've seen many of the episodes and Serenity. I need to watch the whole thing all the way through.

        1. Froggmann_ Avatar

          Do it. It really is the proper meld of Western and Sci Fi.

  2. Maxichamp Avatar

    I was that a-hole with the German plate on my BMW 330i!

    Great to have the Hoonicast back. My only complaint about the prior series is that there were just too many people talking at the same time. 2-4 participants is probably the ideal number.

  3. pj134 Avatar

    … You guys don't realize how lucky you are to be broke auto journalists. I wish I was a broke auto journalist. Instead I'm just a broke support guy in a call center who just makes fun of everyone and wishes he was getting to drive all the cool shit you do.


    1. admin Avatar

      We realize it… we're just whiny.

      1. pj134 Avatar

        Just toss me the keys to something. I'll sound whiny, wear stilts, make my facial hair patchy and even call myself Jeff if I have to.

  4. FuzzyPlushroom Avatar

    This is my Serenity…

    <img src="http://i.imgur.com/lzQz3is.jpg&quot; width=600>

    She's a work in progress, obviously.

  5. Jay_Ramey Avatar

    Well done, gents. I cried at the SRX seat warning feature discussion.

    Now, will episode 2 be called ESB or Tokyo Drift?

  6. longrooffan Avatar

    Hooniverse Project Car? Mercedes 280 sedan? Man I hope so.

    Excellent Podcast…..

  7. Mad_Science Avatar

    If episode 1 is the "re-birth", does that make episode 2 the afterbirth?

    Love the behind-the-scenes-at-press-events stuff. As we know, there's no shortage of such things. Another good "insider" one would be the crap PR stuff that comes through the tips line. Probably a tie between Die Hard and that one lady who sends a 1200 word release when her aftermarket clients release a new line of hose clamps.

  8. Josh_Howard Avatar

    This was excellent. I just love that you guys are so "normal"… if there is such a thing. 🙂