I’ll be the first to admit I’m a little picky about parking. If at all possible, I prefer to straighten my wheels, position my car perfectly between the lines, and if I’m driving my truck, tuck in the mirrors and pull as far forward as I can. In fact, if I’m driving my truck and have the choice, I will usually park it well out of the way, where careless people are less likely to open their doors into mine.
With that in mind, when I came across this video, I had to laugh. I’ve lived in apartment complexes and worked in business parks where guys like this like to double park their cars for reasons known only to them. Even though this chap drives a Jaaaag, he’s still entitle to only one spot. Take the jump to watch the video, and see if you don’t get a chuckle, too.
[youtube width=”720″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qV1IzXBGbN4[/youtube]
[Source: YouTube]
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