With today’s Mystery Car we reintroduce the color photo. As I seem to be over my compulsion of red cars, it seemed like the time to once again go beyond black and white. Color, if Wikipedia is to be believed, was invented in 1939 for the movie The Wizard of Oz. Actually the discovery didn’t occur until a significant part of the film had been shot, and Hollywood budgets being as constrained as they were, the movie was released in a confusing mix of sepia and vibrant technicolor.
Today’s candidate is also intended to confuse, although its color should be the least confounding part of the challenge. That’s because this car is sitting in a wrecking yard and comes in a lovely hue of oxidized steel. That should be your first clue that it isn’t a Corvette, Lotus, Fiero or other plastic bodied beast. Additional clues will not be forthcoming as I think this one will be pretty easy to solve. Doing so will require the expected make, model, engine, and year or range, and will make up for last week’s contender which went the weekend without solution.
The answer to last week’s Mystery Car is after the jump, in case no one has bothered to go back and see what was finally discovered to be the answer. Click through to see, but don’t forget today’s Friday fun – now in living color!
Here it is, the answer to last week’s Mystery Car. It is of course the Jensen G-type, potential successor to the Jensen GT, and in combination with the Interceptor-replacing F-type, a new direction for the beleaguered company. Sadly, Jensen’s finances finally collapsed in mid-’76, shuttering the factory and rendering the lone G prototype an orphan. Still, the car generated enough enthusiasm that a fan of the brand bought the car and completed its construction, gulling doors and all. There, now don’t you feel better?
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