Flags, where would we be without them? Nations would have nothing to salute or go to war for, and of course more importantly, corner workers would have nothing with which to communicate with passing racers other than tonsil-taxing screams. Chaos would reign. Not only can we all sleep well at night, comfortable in the knowledge that flags exist, but we can also festoon of cars and trucks with them, you know, in their honor.
The above flags are on one such car, and it’s your Friday task to identify just what car it might be. Of course, just like there are rules for raising, lowering and washing (I recommend Woolite) flags, there are also rules to winning the Mystery Car contest. Those would be, make, model, likely engine and year range included in your answer to win. Not so tough. Now, let’s run today’s Mystery Car up the flagpole and see who salutes.
Image source: ©2013 Robert Emslie, All Rights Reserved
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