One of the cool parts about living here in the World Center of Racing is seeing some pretty cool assed old cars and trucks on a near daily basis. Just the other day while this olelongrooffan was heading into my high faluting job schleping trailers, I spotted a bunch of Canadian Ferraris in town to have some fun out at the Daytona International Speedway. That same afternoon a guy walked into our showroom and sat his tall ass body down in the pit bull salesguy’s office just across from my cube. I normally try not to eavesdrop on his conversations but when I heard the words “T Bucket”, that whole vow went right out the window.
Turns out this 6’4″ tall dude who checked in just a biscuit shy of 280 decided to break his ole T Bucket out and come on down and check out a new trailer for his ride, which is definitely not a trailer queen. But yeah, this thing is a classic T Bucket from the oversized tires on the rear to the huge ass motor up front.
Moroso valve covers, Edelbrock heads and dual Holley carbs. All on top of a 454 Chevy powerplant. ThePitBull mentioned that he thought the rear tires would just light up. The owner politely disagreed with that assumption. “It’s more like the frame flexes.”
And although this ole buggy has been around, the owner sure keeps all that chrome nice and shiny.
To this olelongrooffan, the suspension out in of that brass surrounds radiator just looks awfully fragile.
Someone asked the owner how he got his feet into this thing.”The first thing I do is take off my left shoe.” Seriously, this olelongrooffan can’t make this shit up. And that is the automatic shift lever down between the driver’s legs. There is a shift lever indicator contained within that black surrounds partially hidden by that undersized wooden steering wheel.
All in all, a nice little setup but not particularly one this olelongrooffan would want in my livery. Afterall, the roof is nonexistent.
And in an artsy-fartsy moment, I dropped to one knee to capture the face of this street rod at ground level. It wasn’t until this olelongrooffan was writing up this post that I realized just how goofy it looks from this angle. IMHO.
Image Copyright Hooniverse 2013/longrooffan
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