So my brother, affectionately known as thejeepjunkie around these here parts, has this sweet ole 1946 Willys CJ2A that he absolutely loves. But as this olelongrooffan has related to my fellow Hoons on numerous occasions, living near the Atlantic Ocean takes its toll on steel vehicles and his Willys is no exception to this.
As my fellow Hoons can see in these images, the windshield frame on his baby has been rotting away for some time and thejeepjunkie has been searching for its replacement but has had absolutely no luck.
There is a single wiper on it but no motor on the “inside” of this windshield frame. That hole in the first image after the jump is the location of the nonexistent passenger side wiper assembly.
Well a funny thing happened. thejeepjunkie finally got around to reading Hooniverse for the first time in some time and read the post I did a couple Fridays ago about my stroll around that junkyard up in Indiana a few weeks ago.
In that post was this image of that old CJ3B. Friday at lunch the boss provided barbequed burgers and dogs in celebration of a co workers birthday and I was shooting the shit with the guys and we got to talking about my travels with the boss that week. thejeepjunkie piped in with the fact that this olelongrooffan had walked by his elusive windshield frame and the least I could have done was remember the name of that junkyard. I knew and told him the name.
Well my fellow Hoons, thejeepjunkie got in contact with Steve up in Indiana and mentioned what he was looking for. Steve commented he didn’t know if he had it. thejeepjunkie buzzed me and asked where it was located in that junkyard. Of course, I remembered “down near the south property line about 3/4’s the way back” and thejeepjunkie hangs up and tells Steve, from 1,100 miles away where something is in his junkyard less than a 1,000 feet from him! Steve mentions he’ll go check on it and call thejeepjunkie back.
Well, that windshield frame was located and Steve calls back and mentions yeah he’s got it. You can pull it off yourself and save some money. thejeepjunkie mentions his driver (the boss) will be up in Indiana on Tuesday and would Steve mind pulling it off and have it ready to be picked up.
Well, Steve hymned and hollered and finally said yeah but he would have to charge thejeepjunkie for it. thejeepjunkie agreed and the deal was sealed.
Now for the best part of the story.
A new windshield frame is around $500 plus the shipping to get it here to the World Center of Racing. thejeepjunkie has the Kid in college and the Kid’s sister is a 15 year old softball playing fanatic so 500 smackers is a bit difficult to come by, hence the rusty windshield frame.
While thejeepjunkie and Steve were negotiating, Steve mentioned he’d have to get $75 for it. He also said he would need another $25 to remove it and have it ready to be picked up by the boss. Not only that Steve related, there are two wiper motors on it that go with the deal.
So, thejeepjunkie gets a newish non rusty windshield frame and two previously unthoughtof wiper motors to boot and delivered for free.
Now he just needs a top.
By the way, if any of my junkyard friendly Hoon brethren come across a passenger door for a 1973 Jeepster Commando this olelongrooffan sure would like to know about it.
img src= this olelongrooffan
Copyright Hooniverse 2012/longrooffan
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