Well, for those of you who have been waiting with baited breath, the information has been set free from the stony clutches of Assistant Perpetrator and Also Culpable Nick Pon.
From a personal perspective, we can’t even say how excited we are to see teams from Canada making the long trek. One, in fact, is coming from Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta; this means they are driving right past my house when they go, and the fact that they haven’t contacted me to request that I join them on their adventure I can only chalk up to a mistaken oversight of the most egregious proportions.
Of particular note is the sheer number of teams: almost 160, by our best reckoning (ie, counting) presumably including some alternate teams. Just think; by lap five, almost 100 of those will have exploded into fiery balls of shrapnel and transmission fluid.
Image credit to Murilee the Saucy Minx over at Jalopnik.
car number | team name | car year/manufacturer/model | captain city/state | team url |
1 | San Jose Scalawags | 1920/Mazda/Mx 5 | SAN JOSE/CA | gspykett@yahoo.com |
2 | Team InternationOLVO (aka Damn Foreigners) | 1983/Volvo/240 Turbo | Port Coquitlam/BC | http://volvo240turbo.blogspot.com/ |
3 | Snowspeeder Pilots Association | 1985/toyota/mr2 | Ashland/OR | http://beater-car.blogspot.com/ |
4 | Knights of the round track | 1986/Toyota/MR2 | Salt Lake City/Utah | stickfigureracing.blogspot.com/ |
5 | Project FATE | 1986/Nissan/300zx | Albany/CA | projectfate.wordpress.com |
7 | Wedginator iii | 1976/Triumph/TR7 | Redwood City/California | |
8 | Team King Crab | 1995/BMW/325i | Roseville/CA | Building |
9 | Group of Foolz | 1983/BMW/533i | Whittier/California | groupoffools.com |
10 | The Sharks | 1983/BMW/528e | Los Angeles/CA | www.peasantracing.com |
11 | Los Cerdos Voladores | 1995/Plymouth/Neon | Corona/California | |
12 | Blood Drive/Arcane Racing | 1978/BMW/530i | Fresno/ca | |
13 | Pearl Harbor Racing | 1981/Datsun/200sx | San Jose/CA | Old Name website: http://datsundingbats.blogspot.com/ Other online documentation: http://www.mowersclan.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=45 |
14 | $14 The Hard Way | 1995/Volkswagen/Golf GL | Valencia/CA | hpdlemons.shutterfly.com |
15 | E=MC HAMMERED | 1987/bmw/325e | sacramento/ca | |
16 | Lipstick on a Pig | 1991/nissan/sentra | Miranda/CA | |
17 | Bunny With A Pancake On Its Head | 1983/VW/Rabbit | Union City/CA | bunnywithapancakeonitshead.blogspot.com/ |
18 | Squadra Volante | 1979/Alfa Romeo/Alfetta GTV | Berkeley/CA | |
19 | ZZ Uber Das Driver: Uncle Uber is Back! | 1984/Volksvagen!/Gti | Los Gatos /Ca | www.Buy-Cell.com |
21 | The Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys | 1988/Peugeot/505 turbo S | Renton/WA | teamlemon.blogspot.com |
22 | 4 R’s (aka 501k) | 1989/VW/Jetta | Concord/CA | |
23 | Formula BMW | 1986/BMW/325E | Santa Clara/CA | www.rahulnair.net/blog/category/motorsport/24-hours-of-lemons/ |
24 | PIT CREW REVENGE | 1995/honda /civic coupe | discovery bay /ca | |
25 | Team Red Beer | 1989/Toyota/Camry | Truckee/CA | qualityautomotiveandsmog.com |
26 | Carpet Pissers | 1985/Honda/CRX | Berkeley/CA | |
27 | Mark’s Wife Won’t Let Him Drive | 1987/Porsche/944 | Fremont/CA | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXpN6Kinz_g |
28 | Frak This Racing/ Lime Tigers | 1976/Datsun/280Z | Grimes/CA | |
29 | Team Ken | 1984/Mazda/Rx7 | Novato/Ca | |
30 | Wienerschmoker II: Electric Boogaloo | 1985/BMW/325e | Laguna Niguel/CA | |
31 | 1320 Turners | 1986/Nissan/300ZX | San Bruno/CA | www.norcal1320.com |
32 | The Flakes | 1986/Volvo/Chevolvo | Colfax /CA | |
33 | Caffeine Unlimited | 1987/bmw/e30 | oakland/ca | |
34 | Team California Mille | 1979/Alfa Romeo/Alfetta GT | Novato/Ca | |
35 | Team California Mille #2 | 1976/Alfa Romeo/Alfetta GT | San Rafael/Ca | |
36 | Killer Bees | 1977/MG/MGB | San Jose/CA | http://killerbeeracing.blogspot.com/ |
37 | FartRari Racing | 1991/Mazda/Miata | Granite Bay /Ca | fartrariracing.com (pending) |
38 | Death Race 2000 | Frankenstein’s REVENGE! | 1992/Mazda/MX6 | Fresno/CA |
39 | Team Cant Am | 1983/Volvo/242T | San Leandro/CA | |
40 | Absolute Lemon Motorsports | 1987/BMW/325 | Mountain View/CA | absolutelemon.blogspot.com |
41 | Frozen Assets | 1997/Plymouth/Neon | Shingle Springs/CA | |
42 | Beaver Domination | 1993/Honda/Civic | Fort Saskatchewan/Alberta | http://www.beaverdomination.com/ |
43 | Unknown Fluids | 1982/BMW/633 Uberbird | Huntington Beach/CA | http://www.UnknownFluids.com |
44 | U.S. BureauCRAP | 1997/Nissan/Maxima | Santa Clara/Ca | usbureaucrap.webs.com |
45 | HomeTown Buffet / WOO WOOO! | 1989/Isuzu/I-Mark RS Handling By Lotus | Newark/CA | forum.bayza.org |
46 | XDOG’s | 1986/Honda/CRX | Suisun/Ca. | |
47 | Family Truckster | 1972/FOrd/Pinto Wagon | country squire no less! | Martinez/CA |
48 | Festiva Royale | 1986/Ford/Kia/Festiva/Pride | Seattle/WA | |
49 | THUNDER RACERS | 1989/Ford/Mustang | Willows/CA | |
50 | Starsky and the Bandit | 1974/Ford/Capri | San Francisco/CA | |
51 | Uber Vogel: Hans-Am | 1987/Mercedes/190E | Santa Clara/CA | nope |
52 | Old Fast Auto Race Team and Sons | 1987/Porsche/924S | Saratoga/CA | jrnix@pipeline.com |
54 | Blanco Basura Racing | 1991/Honda/Qualude | Santa Cruz/ca | www.blancobasura.com |
55 | The Cannonball Bandits | 1987/Toyota/Corolla FX-16 | Pleasanton/CA | www.cannonballbandits.com |
56 | Team Dai Hard | 1989/Daihatsu/Charade CLS | Simi Valley/CA | daihatsu-fans.org |
57 | Planet Hell Racing | 1986/Porsche /944 | Santa Cruz/CA | |
58 | Bavarian Beer Wagon | 1985/BMW/325e | San Francisco/CA | |
59 | Tercelators’ Totally Bitchen Camaro | 1987/Chevrolet /Camaro | Yerington/NV | |
60 | Badagascar | 1994/Acura/Integra | Alhambra/CA | www.hollyweirdteams.com/Badagascar/Welcome.html |
61 | Rubber Chicken Piccata Racing | 1988/Volvo/GLE740 | San Rafael/CA | |
62 | Purple Lemon Racing | 1969/Volkswagen/1969 Beetle | Walnut Creek/California | TBA |
63 | Rockerz in Dockerz | 1987/Ford/4 cylinder Mustang (88hp power chariot) | Clackamas/or | www.rokkerzindokkerz.com |
65 | Unsafe at Any Speed | 1965/Chevrolet/Corvair | San Francisco/CA | teamunsafe.blogspot.com |
66 | Faster Farms II: Non Rotisserie Chickens | 1966/Plymouth/Belvedere TWO | Alameda/Ca | fasterfarms.blogspot.com |
67 | Size Does Matter | 1967/Plymouth/Fury III | Olympia/WA | www.rocketresto.com |
68 | Italian Stallions aka “The Fiat” | 1980/Fiat/X1/9 | Woodside/CA | www.monkeycage.net |
69 | D | C&H Taxi Co | 1995/Honda/Civic | Sacramento/CA |
70 | Deepest Valley Racing | 1989/GMC/Caprice | Lone Pine/CA | |
71 | Team Hurling Moss | 1976/BMW/2002 | seattle /wa | |
72 | B-Team | 1986/BMW/325e | Torrance/CA | www.bteamfiasco.com |
73 | 1UP Mother Cluckers – Well Connected Nissan Freaks | 1991/Nissan/Sentra | Long Beach/CA | www.motoiq.com |
74 | Leftover Parts Racing | 1983/Mazda/RX7 | Del Mar/CA | sites.google.com/site/leftoverpartsracing/ |
75 | Save The Whale | 2000/Ford/Crown Victoria | San Bruno/CA | |
76 | Stars & Stripes Racing | 1985/Mazda/RX-7 | Castro Valley/CA | |
77 | Gimp Pimp | 1996/Cadillac/STS | San Jose/CA | |
78 | TSP – Drivers In Training | 1984/Honda/civic | Union City/CA | http://teamstimuluspackage.blogspot.com |
79 | Lil Smokey and the Bandit Racing | 1987/Toyota/MR2 | San Francisco/CA | lilsmokeyracing.com |
80 | Driving For Donations! | 1987/Acura/Legend Coupe | San Francisco/CA | none yet |
81 | reversed darwinism II: brute force and ignorance | 1997/Ford/P 71 crown vic | Aurora/OR | |
82 | The Black Flags | 1983/Toyota/Celica Supra | Los Angeles/CA | madmaxcar.wordpress.com |
83 | Junk Yard Kats | 1983/Nissan/280 ZX-Turbo | Sacramento/CA | |
84 | Barbarian Motorworks | 1986/BMW/325es | San Diego/CA | www.barbarianmw.com |
85 | Huey Newis and the Lose | 1985/Ford/Mustang | Alameda/CA | hueynewisandthelose.blogspot.com/ |
86 | The Faustest Team | 1986/Satan/325 | Los Angeles/CA | www.facebook.com/pages/The-Faustest-Team-24-hours-of-Lemons/200694375458 |
87 | ONSET/TWTM2 | 1987/Roger Smith’s General Motors/Cavalier Wagon CS | El Cerrito/CA | |
89 | An Inconvenient Car | 1989/Ford/Taurus SHO | Battle Ground/WA | www.shosource.com |
90 | Free Range Racing | 1988/Toyota/MR2 | Portland/OR | freerangeracing.blogspot.com |
91 | Kamikaze Ninjas with Lasers‏‏ | 1991/Nissan/Sentra SE-R | Newark/CA | Www.pirateninjaswithlasers.com |
92 | Chim Chim Racing | 1983/Volkswagen/Rabbit | San Jose/CA | |
93 | Guud Humor Racing | 1990/Ford/Ranger Extended Cab | Citrus Heights/California | |
94 | Bachelor Boys & The Lost One | 1994/Honda/Civic Sedan | Rohnert Park/California | |
95 | Socialist Dogsledders | 1993/Honda/Civic Type Slow | Fort Saskatchewan/Alberta | www.socialistdogsledders.com |
96 | Clunkers Refuge Racing | 1986/Nissan/300ZX | Dublin/CA | http://groups.google.com/group/zlime?hl=en |
97 | Mustard Yellow Volvo Doing 45 in the Fast Lane | 1984/Volvo/244 | Danville/CA | |
98 | Red Rocket Racing | 1986/Toyota/Celica GT | sacramento/california | |
100 | Rice Rocket Racing (the sequel) or RQubed | 1983/Datsun/Nissan/280ZX | San Ramon/CA | blog.ricerocketracing.org |
102 | Hatfieldís and McCoy’s | 1988/Nissan/300zx | Fountian Valley/CA | none yet |
103 | Punk Racing | 1983/mazda /rx7 | novato/ca | |
104 | Team Barbie | 1983/Mazda/RX-7 | Novato/CA | |
105 | Skid Row Racing | 1977/Chevrolet/Camaro | Discovery Bay/CA | sealmarine.com |
106 | Audi in Wonderland | 1995/Audi or was it DWK?/90 | Angels Camp/CA | sites.google.com/site/audiinwonderland/ |
108 | Nerd Herd | 1986/Toyota/MR2 | Yuba City/Ca | nerdherdracing.com |
110 | Motoring J Style | 1977/Datsun/Rob Dull Special Construction | Sausalito/CA | |
111 | Sin City SCAR Wars | 1985/Ponticrap/Fiero | Las Vegas/Nevada | not available |
112 | A+ Trailor Trash | 1984/Mazda/rx 7 | chico/Ca | www.dustinjenks.com |
114 | Zoom-Zoom… BOOM | 1991/Mazda/323 | Bakersfield/CA | www.plavanracing.com/teamzoom.htm |
118 | Gift With Purchase | 1992/BMW/325is | Mill Valley/CA | |
120 | Autobahn Society Racing | 1976/BMW/2002 | San Francisco/CA | http://autobahnsocietyracing.com/ |
121 | POS Delivery | 1991/BMW/325i | San Marcos/CA | www.posracing.com |
124 | team power | 1983/bmw/633csi | modesto/ca | importautorepair@sbcglobal.net |
136 | LEMON DEMOLITION | 1990/honda /crx | discovery bay /ca | |
140 | Diplomatic Immunity | 1995/Mercedes/S Class | San Diego/CA | www.magnusracingclub.com |
143 | Mysteries Inc. Racing | 1989/plymouth/voyager turbo | San Jose/CA | mysteriesincracing.blogspot.com |
144 | Pandamonium Racing | 1990/BMW/325i | Mountain View/CA | pandamoniumracing.blogspot.com |
147 | F-ING Renault Fromage1 Racing Team | 1984/Renault/Alliance | Portland/OR | |
148 | Fish out of Water | 1984/Porsche/944 | Emeryville/CA | |
151 | LowerGearEpisode2 | 1988/BMW/325 | San Jose/CA | |
153 | A Lemon Entry | 1988/Ford/1988 | Santa Clara/CA | still haven’t figured out how to do that! |
157 | Magnum pig | 1994/Toyota/Celica | Orange/CA | |
168 | Dust n Debris | 1994/Dodge/Shadow | Reno/NV | |
171 | Eyesore Racing | 1993/Mazda (and Dodge…)/Miata | Long Beach/CA | eyesoreracing.com |
180 | Las Vegas Magic | 1990/Honda/CRX | Denver/CO | |
192 | Dudes of Hazard | 1988/Toyota (Mostly)/Celica | Loomis/CA | |
195 | Team Lightning McQueen | 2004/Pontiac/Sunfire | Hayward/CA | |
197 | Chicken Licken -Reburned | 1992/Nissan/Stanza | Santa Clara/CA | TBD |
200 | Redneck Racing Team(RRT) | 1991/Cadillac/Elk-Dorado | Bend/Or | www.redneckracingteam.com |
245 | Bernal Dads Racing | 1984/Volvo/245 | San Francisco/CA | http://www.bernaldads.org |
308 | Magnum P.O.S. | 1988/Hondarrari/308 GRX | Sacramento/CA | scrappydogsracing.com/magnum |
314 | Heisenberg Racing | 1991/BMW/E30 318 | Redondo Beach/CA | http://sites.google.com/site/heisenbergracing/ |
410 | Team Apathy | Blown Seal Racing | 1989/Saab/9000 Turbo | Ventura/CA |
411 | Yushin Maru Racing | 1988/Toyota/Supra | Vancouver/WA | yushinmaruracing.com |
430 | Team Petty Cash | 1989/Jeep/Cherokee | Issaquah/Washington | www.teampettycash.com |
491 | Team Pyrite | 1990/Eagle/Talon | Tustin/CA | sites.google.com/site/teampyrite4lemons/ |
500 | Cajun Coonasses dba Speed Racer | 1988/Honda/Prelude | Walnut Creek/CA | |
555 | Mazdarachis | 1985/Mazda /RX7 | Signal Hill/Ca | |
647 | Hit & Run | 1983/BMW/320 I | Scotts Valley/CA | |
666 | I Wanna Roc | 1989/Chevrolet/Camaro | San Jose/CA | iwannaroc.blogspot.com |
711 | Carpocalypse NOW! | 1992/Fiat/Talon TSI AWD | Costa Mesa/CA | http://evilengineering.com/projects/lemons.html |
724 | Runs like a Raped Ape | 1990/Acura/Integra | Los Gatos/Ca | Not yet |
746 | Filthy Faux Ford GT40 | 2001/Ford/Escort ZX2 | Napa/CA | |
777 | Hit & Run II | 1984/Mitsubishi/starion | Santa Cruz /CA | na |
902 | Rooster Juice Racing | 1979/Porsche/924 | Novato/CA | www.facebook.com/home.php#/group.php?gid=56691128061&ref=ts |
911 | NYPD ITB | 1991/Mazda/323 | Sherman Oaks/CA | http://s181.photobucket.com/albums/x3/ignatius_reilly/lemons/ |
914 | The Big EASY | 1973/Porsche/914 | Emeryville/Ca | N/A |
969 | sierra auto recycling | 2000/FORD/CROWN VIC | Ridgecrest/California | |
999 | Flamin’ Rods | 1987/bmw/325is | castro valley/ca | |
XX | angry hamster racing | 1971/honda/Z600 | San Mateo/ca | www.angryhamsterracing.com |
XX | Automatica | 1990/FreeMW/325i Convt. | Mill Valey/CA | |
XX | Clueless Party Vikings Vintage Racers | 1989/Ford/Mustang | Camarilo/CA | N/A |
XX | Ecurie Ecrappe Autodenta | // | Oakland/CA | hardtuned.com |
XX | Fast Times @ Placer High | 1990/Mazda/Miata | Grass Valley/Ca. | |
XX | Faulknor Auto Racing Team (FART) | 1986/BMW/one rusty 535i | South San Francisco/CA | Forrest Faulknor ENT |
XX | Geo Metro-Gnome 2.0 | 1992/Geo/Metro | los angeles/ca. | |
XX | Rockin Rollers | 1983/Mazda/RX-7 | Monte Sereno/California | under development |
XX | Snobs on the Dole | // | Los Angeles/CA | |
XX | Team Red Bear | // | Campbell/CA | http://www.teamredbear.com |
XX | The channel 4 news team | 1991/Nissan/240sx | joppa /md | www.driftalliance.com |
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