On April 16th at approximately 5 AM, an EF-1 force tornado touched down 7 miles North East of Fort Benning, Georgia. Thankfully, nobody was hurt, but this car (what the heck is that?) came out a little worse for wear due to the 100-mph winds.
Image source: [AccuWeather.com]
Last Call- Worse Than a Titty Twister Edition
20 responses to “Last Call- Worse Than a Titty Twister Edition”
Wow, my guess is Mazda 6.
2007 legacy
Waiting for the meme…
Needs image.
It is a Legacy. The wheels gave it away to me oddly enough.
For sale: 2008 Legacy GT. Low miles. Blue on silver. Asymmetrical custom exhaust! Salvage title due to wind damage, will buff right out.
Annnd there it is.
delivery within one hour or your meme is free
Legacy's are BOF now? Well, this one's body a little off frame, I guess…
What man destroys, the earth restores. Finally, a contemporary Legacy with the roof line and ground clearance nature intended.
(Please pardon the peevishness of one who thought that Subaru was headed in the right direction in 2005, only to be disappointed in 2008).-
I was standing next to my Aunt's newish Outback last weekend and felt similarly disgusted. It is the car version of the humans that turn up on Jerry Springer (is that show still on the air?) — it only retains the shadow of what it used to be. I would take a used Legacy 2.5 GT wagon over just about anything else in their current lineup.
Pole dancing gone wrong.
That was one sick, sadistic dragon.
Now the owners should give it to their grown kids as is. It'll be just like the rest of the legacy the baby boomers have left us!
What the hell did the baby boomer legacy comment supposed to mean?
Apparently Mother Nature decided it needed a real bumper. Frankly, I'm flattered.
<img src="http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/208344_10150149058571821_563911820_7033935_3454847_n.jpg" width=600>
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