As remarkable as it may seem, there once was a time when classic cars were in fact, just old cars.
Last Call indicates the end of Hooniverse’s broadcast day. It’s meant to be an open forum for anyone and anything. Thread jacking is not only accepted, it’s encouraged.
Image: Go Away Garage
Last Call: Used Cars Edition
So, Gymkhana 8.
Brah! or blah?-
They’re starting to seem a bit, erhm, routine?
Agreed. The best part was the Focus ST RX teaser.
Being Being Focus fan myself, that was pretty cool to see.
“Former TG:USA presenter” Tanner Faust in a 400hp Slingshot.
I think when more unique vehicles are used (not to say his Fiesta is not unique), like Ken Block’s Mustang, or that Slingshot, it makes the video more enjoyable to watch.
The bit with the skydive plane was so short I wondered if they had some other stunts planned there that they just didn’t pull off
i like the birdie -
Too much fast cutting, no sense of continuity, needs more emphasis on imagination, less on spectacle.
What you say may be true, Rob, but given the decades between her clothing and those full classics I’m pretty sure that this was considered a specialty lot even then.
This does seem like an appropriate post to share my neat car story of the day. I pulled the dead transmission out of our ’54 Ford this weekend, not sure whether I’d be replacing the AOD with a high priced reman or taking it in to be rebuilt. A conversation with the service writer at the local branch of a national transmission repair chain that starts with “AA” had me leaning toward the former but, on a whim, I took the ailing box to a greasy shop in the greasy part of town on my way to work this morning.-
As soon as I walked in, I realized I was either in a very right place or a very wrong place. Every bay and lift was full with cars that didn’t appear to have moved in a while. The area under each lift was cluttered with transmission parts from other cars. I would have walked away, if it wasn’t for the selection of vehicles. A big Pierce Arrow sedan, a smaller Dodge Brothers sedan, a Fulvia Zagato, a lovingly built ’52 Chevy two door hotrod and a Jaguar Mark II immediately caught my eye.
The proprietor, an older guy in overalls, quoted me a good price and told me it would take a couple of days. I decided to take a chance. The proof will be in the pudding, obviously, but I’m encourage by the fact that he called me before the day was out to tell me it was done, walked me through all the updates he’d done, showed me all the hosed parts and repeatedly encouraged me to bring the car back in once the transmission is installed to check both his and my work.-
Whenever I’ve had to make similar wagers, so far it’s always been the very right place.
I’ll go out of my way to find places like this. They’re typically in semi-questionable parts of town, in buildings which look like they should have collapsed 25 years ago.
That is a fair description of this place. I have tried unsuccessfully to convince my wife that an apartment over a garage in this mixed-use area is the ideal home for us when the kids leave.
Keep at her long enough, she’ll acquiesce…eventually.
My mom managed to own a ’68 Camaro V8 convertible from when it was a ‘gently used’ 2 year old car, through when it was just a 10 year old Chev, then a magnet for teenagers with dreams and little cash, and eventually to when it was a sought after collectible car.
Did you ever notice that a ragtop is NEVER “Camero”, but frequently is a “convertable”?
Did any of these cars ever depreciate enough to be just used? I’ve always assumed the Cord to be an instant classic.
Here’s a VISIT of hard choices – which one would you choose?:
Also, 1980’s swag hiding…
…a story:
Did all of Scandinavia get the Moose Buggery edition?
You know, all of Scandinavia was solidly founded on clichés.
While not an ACD like some of the cars in the picture, this car went from $30,000 in 1931 to a $400 junkyard find a decade later, to a car worth well into eight figures today.
Fantastic find, thanks! Hard to believe that car collecting didn’t necessarily come naturally with cars.
My wife and I have been watching a bunch of our favorite childhood movies lately. (last night we watched The Swan Princess). It may be time to watch Chitty Chitty Bang Bang again.
So my employer started blocking Dsqs. Probably not because of me but for the local newspaper using the same service. Fewer comments from my side, since the Hooniverse surely was my comic relief outlet in stressful times.
Oh, will there be a revolt? That’s a breach of trust, sort of. I’d assume a hooniversalist is a more well-rounded employee than anyone being watched over their back like that.
Disqus is taking over the comments of most sites I like to visit, so I can see why some admins would want to block it as it becomes more and more popular.
As a Hoonitarian Hooniveralist, you could claim religious discrimination.
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