This may go down in history as the most WTF? Craigslist car ad ever. You wouldn’t even think one of those pointy-ass hoods would fit in a Camaro. Cracker, haters FTL!
Thanks to Marius for the screen grab.
Last Call- The KKK Took My Chevy Away Edition
A can of Krylon is $4.99. Problem = SOLVED.
Can someone please pose as a "serious bidder?" I gotta see this.
Couldn't find the post, I think he pulled it.
Sounds like the ideal Camaro for a Grand Dragon.
Iron Duke Camaro not your style? Try the David Duke Camaro instead!
Put that sucker in an enclosed trailer and take it straight to the restorer, for paint and interior.
OMFG!! Disgusting as it sounds, I just HAVE to see some pictures.
pics or it didnt happen
This brought up an interesting question in my mind. Can a car be racist? At first, you say, "No, a car is an object. It's owner can be racist and put racist crap on the car, but the car itself cannot be racist." However, we humanize our cars probably more than any other object in our possession. We give them names. We refer to them as "she" or "him". We talk to them. We share experiences with them that humans may not fully understand. We don't do this with other objects, do we? We don't humanize our houses, cell phones, etc. The closest we come to humanizing anything else is a computer, but usually not to the same degree as a car.
So, after going through all that I have concluded that cars might just be able to be racist. But only if their owners are.-
Only if ze fan belt vill last fer one thouzand years! And the sat-nav only goes to Poland.
Zis is nazi car you are looking for.
O.k., I will never be able to top that. You win the internets for today.
It's a good think I don't drink anything while I read the Hooniverse, or my keyboard would be covered in scotch.
My name is actually David Duke (no relation) and I would LOVE to show up as a serious bidder for this car.
I say hoax post.
You had me at "white with white interior."
someone take it to lemons, who cares if its over the limit. im interested to see how it blows over.
Might be the first time ever that the People's Curse is delivered before the flag falls.
and that alone would be worth it. how many other cars could get that kind of infamy?
I have visions of this poor Camaro being t-boned by a big old baby blue '74 Cadillac with chromed wire wheels, leopard print upholstery, and a white vinyl roof.
Sometimes the stereotypes really do fit. Racist white guy in a 2nd gen Camaro, who would have thought. Maybe there really are gay men that drive automatic Miatas (I work with one.), hairdressers that drive Audi TTs, and secretaries that drive V-6 Mustangs.
I believe engineerd prefers to be called an "administrative professional"
That's right! I've worked too hard to be a mere secretary. Besides, that's sexist.
"You wouldn’t even think one of those pointy-ass hoods would fit in a Camaro". He probably traded it in for one with T-tops.
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