Last Call: The future of autonomous racing is brighter than you think

So apparently driver-less racing is a thing these days and this is one of their first events. I had no idea what to expect but it probably wasn’t this. At this point in time, I wouldn’t expect it to beat Lewis Hamilton but I would’ve bet that it could complete for than 100 feet without crashing. The obvious solution, get the programmers to log a few more hours into Forza and then come back. Until then I don’t think we will be seeing too much more of this.

Unironically, I am curious to see how this type of motorsport will develop. I don’t personally think it will become something that people gather for like normal motorsports but hey, you never know. Where do you think it’s headed?


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11 responses to “Last Call: The future of autonomous racing is brighter than you think”

  1. mdharrell Avatar

    It’s just one budget exemption away from being Lemons-ready.

  2. Vairship Avatar

    It saw how 2020 was going and did the only (artificially) intelligent thing possible…

  3. 0A5599 Avatar

    People watch racing for the inexplicable crashes.

    1. Troggy Avatar

      As a regular marshal at motorcycle racing, I am still surprised at the number of bikes that crash on the way to the start line before the race has even started.
      And there are also more than a few off’s that happen after the chequered flag has dropped as well.

  4. Batshitbox Avatar

    Well it finally happened. I left the van door unlocked overnight and sure enough someone threw a 110 year old* wooden rowboat in there.

    *or maybe only 80 years old, research is ongoing

    1. 0A5599 Avatar

      When you drive into Troy, Greeks are going to sneak out of it and unlock the gates for the rest of the soldiers.

    2. outback_ute Avatar

      That’s what you told the wife anyway?

  5. Sjalabais Avatar

    This weekend we discovered our involuntary participation in the bizarre hidden camera show “One At A Time”, portraying successive mechanical failure in a fleet of vehicles. With the Centennial working, but ailing, the Camry send to Nigeria, our Leaf was a beacon of simple stability, cementing my adoration for low stress EVs. Well, saturday night, the charger failed on our 82000 km car. It’s a not unheard of issue with 2011 and 2012 cars where a condensator worth 8$ says farewell to this cruel world. Nissan only replaces whole units to the lovely price of 2600-ish $ + 5h of work, the car is worth no more than 6k$. So I am looking for a used part. Nissan has been aware of this weakness for a long time, as the 2012 model alone has eight – 8! – slightly different chargers built in. We can still use a ChaDeMo station nearby, but the cost and battery wear is prohibitive. Oh, and the i20 we finally picked up yesterday has two ailing front springs, that we will have replaced free of charge. Still looking for those cameras…

    1. Batshitbox Avatar

      I still feel weird upvoting when the post is about the dark side of car ownership. Maybe check and see if your repair shop is registered under the names Alan Funt or Sacha Baron Cohen?

  6. crank_case Avatar

    When they do get it right, I’ll be disappointed if Roborace doesn’t use the opportunity to create racing that’d be far too irresponsible to carry out with a human driver. I’m thinking mario kart weapon shenanigans with hot wheels style loop de loops.

  7. Troggy Avatar

    Puts me in mind of the way replays worked in Gran Turismo on the Playsation: Rather than have the car trace the path around the track, it seemed to actually ‘drive’ the car using the same inputs as the user. In other words, all it had to do was remember the car and setup, and the users inputs for the duration in order to replicate the lap.
    Except sometimes, especially in the case of the faster cars with… interesting handling, a blip might occur. The processor might hesitate at the wrong moment, a bit might flip, and the car would go haywire, through crowds and usually into a wall, all while still replicating the user input.
    The Escudo would have about a 50/50 chance of finishing a replay. The Speed 12 would be lucky to make it through the first corner.