A good first date, thought Ronald, but not a great first date.
Image source: [holicrap.com]
Last Call- That's How I Roller Coaster Edition
Who got it worst, his date or white tee shirt directly behind her? I'm so grateful that I've never 1) puked or 2) been puked on while riding a roller coaster.
Is that Bruce Springsteen?
"Baby We Born to Hurl" -
This pic and Cars 2 will make this weekend the "BEST EVAR!!1!" for my 9 yr old son.
Okay, Hooniverse. That's enough Buicks for one day.
I'm due to make some pukes one of these days. Dry heaving sucks, but puking is kind of magical.
I didn't know how to break up with her so I drank sour milk then we went on the roller coaster 3 times in a row. It was awesome.
those 2 dudes in back apply to the "not a drop wasted" school of thought
Why did those two guys behind have their mouths open? I will now always keep my mouth closed on coasters, just in case.
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