Last Call- Russians Were Plane Crazy

Thats one Ivan Bigplanovitch
That's one Ivan Bigplaneovitch

While Hooniverse likes to focus on those things that have four wheels and fit in an average garage, sometimes we like to point upward and shout there, up in the sky- it’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s too much vodka and national pride!
Youre back in the USSR, boy, you dont know how lucky you are.
You're back in the USSR, boy, you don't know how lucky you are.

Check out English Russia for more on these Potemkins of the skies.

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  1. ptschett Avatar

    I'm not sure what's more outlandish: the airplane itself, or the renderings where it's bringing its considerable weapons to bear on a Nazi German flying saucer.

    1. aSoundofSleep Avatar

      It would make sense as to where the whole anal probe thing started.

    2. jewfro47 Avatar

      Somehow between the extreme right wing and the extreme left wing, the Russians took all the wing and the Germans didn't get any.

    3. JeepyJayhawk Avatar

      They soooo had flying saucers… the government doesn't want you to know man!!!! [gets tinfoil hat]

  2. CptSevere Avatar

    Hey, I just realized that nobody referred to the Ekranoplan here. What's the deal with that? Somebody link to it. It's somwhere on English Russia. I'm too lazy to do it and I have to go get more beer anyway. OK, vodka. Whatever.

  3. citroen67 Avatar

    Jesus-God! That center section looks like the Intensive Care Wing of the local hospital in my town. I really want to know if it actually had the ability to fly, or if it collapsed from the extreme weight of all the ugly that they packed into that thing.

    1. JeepyJayhawk Avatar

      According to the Internets… it did fly a time or two, then crashed and killed everyone aboard. REALLY expensive to build I believe.

  4. Maymar Avatar

    I really hope this was turned into an apartment block somewhere rather than sold for scrap. Plus, it'd sort of double as a carport, so that'd be pretty sweet.

  5. scroggzilla Avatar

    This looks like something out of the film version of HG Wells' Things to Come or perhaps Sky Captain and The World of Tomorrow.

  6. Maymar Avatar

    I really hope this was turned into an apartment block somewhere rather than sold for scrap. Plus, it'd sort of double as a carport, so that'd be pretty sweet.

  7. Garry Quiggle Avatar

    Hai, i am the admin of .Thank’s for sharing this information.This is very useful and informative material.Good post and keep it up friend.