Clever scientist is clever.
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On a GrandAm? I thought Engineerd had a Mustang.
He does have a Mustang. Hertz of Orlando is going to be pissed. He didn't even return it with a full tank.
Cannot wait for Engineerd to comment here………. waiting………….. waiting………….
Sorry, these come out after I'm home spending quality time with Mrs. engineerd.
I would have preferred a GrandAm GT rental to the variety of Toyota products I was given. I did return one without filling it up and talked them out of charging me $4 a gallon to fill it up. I felt very accomplished that day.
BTW, this is the orbital equation used to define distance and velocity of a small body orbiting a larger body. G = 9.81 m/s^2, m = mass of the small body, M = mass of the large body, R = radius of the large body, Vesc = escape velocity. If I'm remembering my space mechanics right.
Sorry, these come out after I'm home spending quality time with Mrs. engineerd.
I would have preferred a GrandAm GT rental to the variety of Toyota products I was given. I did return one without filling it up and talked them out of charging me $4 a gallon to fill it up. I felt very accomplished that day.
BTW, this is the orbital equation used to define distance and velocity of a small body orbiting a larger body. G = 9.81 m/s^2, m = mass of the small body, M = mass of the large body, R = radius of the large body, Vesc = escape velocity. If I'm remembering my space mechanics right.
Thanks for the explanation… you know we were all waiting for it!
Ahh! Now I can peacefully go about my daily work for the day.
That equation is easy pimp math…
GxmxM/R=mxVesc2/2 is the basic equation that lets the average hombre know the angle of their dangle… which is equal to the heat of the beat when the throb of the knob is constant. Another way to figure this is out is to measure the splat on the mat, multiplied by the stain on the veins. A more basic application is to take the heat of the meat minus the drip off the tip – then divide that by the torque on the pork.
[i am drinking right now… ]
For a second I thought you were actually going to explain it, then I looked at the name and realized you weren't Mad_Science.
I'll take two of whatever it is you're drinking. Hilarious.
it was just wine… and some beer before the wine
That was epic.
Man, I thought you knew that algebra was all razzmatazz. A Globetrotter always saves the good algebra for the final minutes.
This chronological wang-dang-doodle could destroy the very matrix of reality.
*slow clap*
Add another Golf Clap…
Seriously though is this a vector equation?
Waiting for the engineers to explode on this.
Great post. I enjoyed it very much! Thanks. Please keep doing the good things that you are doing now. Isaias Westrup
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