Words. . . escape me.
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Last Call- Riding A Moped is Like. . . Edition
92 responses to “Last Call- Riding A Moped is Like. . . Edition”
My God. Who painted that bike? I think I had a Trapper Keeper with that same paint scheme.
I have to admit, riding that bike might be fun, but I wouldn't want my friends to see me on it.-
Surprise Tempesjo!
I have to say I was really impressed with your comment here, almost everyone else was not kind, but you were funny and threw in a little in-you-end-o too. So in that pic, that was a tarp, not the mangled body of a Volvo, right?
Have a good one,
4902 -
And to think, I had blocked this image out of my mind for a little while… oh well.
4903 -
pj134…..Sorry about that. It's not easy finding comments that are close to the top of the page.
How is life treating you? You haven't joined us here for quite some time. Good to see you!
4904 -
Hi PJ,
<img src="http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_a-pSam0hwTI/SK3S7B1hDjI/AAAAAAAABHE/Ut-gvT8WeTw/s500/IMG_3226.jpg"> I wonder what other images we could find to sear into your retinas… Wow now that I think about it, there is no cool school item that my kids all wanted for this year. A few years back it was gibbits.
Have a good one,
4905 -
Hi Skaycog,
Last year Japanese erasers (made in China of course) were all the rage for my kids. There must be plenty of zip lines and $35 is unusual, last year or the year before I think it was Chicago sold (well rented for 99 years or something like that) the parking meters in the city. Then prices went WAY up. It was annoying because it was not too bad o park near the Polish and Hispanic stores we would go to before. Now we hardly go, and when we do we look for places like Rich's that have their own lots. I think we have only gone to two of the clothing stores since for example, which is a real shame, cause they are not pricy and Aga looks great in those clothes. It's all the same at places like Target around here. But she did come back with some great stuff from Poland this summer!
Have a good one,
4906 -
smz, msz, boo……I know nothing about Japanese erasers. ? I'll ask a girlfriend who teaches third grade if she knows about them. Now that school has started, I get the feeling of Fall in the air. I'm an early riser, and it's also dark now when I get up. But I do have a chance to see some pretty sunrises.
Happy Thursday!
4907 -
Holy cow it's already Thursday! It sounds like you had an interesting Monday night. Did you know it was an earthquake when it happened? Did you feel the smaller one that happened before it in the afternoon on Monday? I felt one a couple of February's ago that occurred west of Chicago but that was only about magnitude 3.5. It was a weird experience as my brain was trying to figure out what was going on.
4907 -
Your zipline trip sounds fun. I've never really heard of it before. Are these set up for site-seeing, like gliding through tree canopies? Or are these set up for speed where you rip down hills and valleys? It sounds like it would be a lot fun either way.
Parking in Chicago is always a shock to me. When I first went to visit my friend downtown, the garage I was at charged $25 a night but I have noticed big increases since then. I didn't know the cause though…very interesting.
Also, is that graph you posted to $kaycog a detector at Fermilab picking up her earthquake in Colorado?
4908 -
Correct, that was a tarp, not the Volvo. At least I hope it was a tarp. Now that I think about it, they're pretty close to the same color.
I might have to try to sell it on CL as a barn find. It's in a barn, and if you can find it, you can have it.
4910 -
Hi Skaycog,
<img src="http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-set/BQcDAAAAAwoDanBnAAAABC5vdXQKFlFtdjBMaXRsM2hHU01QWmhKTGhsQncAAAACaWQKAXgAAAAEc2l6ZQ.jpg" width="500"> Japanese erasers are little and tend to look like food or animals. They don't do a very good job of erasing pencil marks though. Here's your quake as seen here.
<img src="http://www.fnal.gov/pub/today/images11/8.23.11colorado.jpg" width="500"> It's nice you get to see the sun rises, the glare though it's trouble. Someone on a bike got hit coming in to work this morning, I think it was because of the sun that the driver did not see, the cyclist is not hurt much thankfully, but the bike is all bent. I almost got hit twice yesterday, and I wear a bright yellow vest, sigh.
Have a good one,
4911 -
Hi Tower,
Parking on Sunday is usually not bad, it should have been something like $10, but I messed-up the schedule of the air and water show and it was still going on, ha! The parking debacle was with the meters on the streets, but yes when those got more expensive, so did the private lots and garages as well. The zip line we went to was not slow, and it was about going fast. Sometimes you could look around though. The graph from last time was the east coast one. It was in the MCR log book, now I posted on from fermitoday, I bet they got it from a detector log book, which I don't look at. They are tilt sensors, so you are looking at how much they rotated in microradians. For the scale, make sure you look at the color on the y axis. Usually this causes trouble (beam dumped then verifying alignment still good enough), but we had been having issues with booster. We had a bad day where something broke, it was replaced, and then the replacement lasted less than 45 minutes, man that sucked. But it really impresses me that they have accelerators and detectors in Japan. They make it work. One thing they do differently though is that they pound heavy rock pylons down into the earth and then build the supports on that. In one place you could see it looking down, see the slightly different gray color?
<img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2774/4017130292_7c5c87c355.jpg" width="375" height="500" alt="japan 212">
Have a good one,
4912 -
Hi Tempesjo,
You should go for best of CL! Have some random photo like your wife's cup cakes or something like that in there too! You know what, we have been slacking here, no talking about food recently 🙁 I just had a great lunch. Saladm Philly cheese steak (yeah right) sandwich with horseradish sauce, and a tortilla soup (is that the original or the remake, can't remember).
<img src="http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/comment/12/2011/08/bfe894c57126442a5efc3e2621a37186/original.jpg" width="500"> I won this 3-4 days ago on ebay. I am starting to get a little concerned though, I paid for it right away (shipping is $120) but have heard nothing back from the seller. It's a 5-spd (like my 4 speed with OD) for the Volvo. Have you considered the Newport wagon that udman highlighted yesterday? I think it's in Wisconsin.
Finally, I just noticed that picture from before to PJ, it looks like rainbowcolorchromaticspermatazoa to me now. Ick. I took some biology in college, everybody had too, and I remember a lab that involved sea squid sperm or something like that, breaking it up, getting the tails to cleave off chemically, etc. That was icky too, but just blobs of grey really on a white background.
I think I put too much sugar in my iced tea.
Have a good one,
4913 -
zms, smz, pft……….Those erasers look pretty realistic, and if I were a kid, I'd probably collect them. We're having more hot weather this week and still need moisture. That seems to be my most popular thing to say this Summer. I'm ready for the weekend, and my Friday should go very smoothly…..*crosses fingers*. Have a good Thursday evening!
4914 -
TowerofPower……..I didn't feel any other earthquakes before or since the one that woke me up. I experienced an earthquake in Anchorage, Alaska, while on vacation several years ago, so when the Monday night one woke me up, I thought that it was one because I remember the feeling in Alaska. But, like I said, I convinced myself that it had to have been a dream. I looked at the clock, 11:45, and went back to sleep. Of course, the next morning, I found out that I was correct. NOBODY else I know felt it.
Tomorrow's Friday! Yay!
4915 -
Hi Skaycog,
It's just splendid weather here recently. Went in hot tub last night. I just jinxed it I bet. Yesterday Kevin caught a frog on the walk with Max. I bet Max was excited, thinking it was a treat but nope. Kevin caught it to scare his sister 😉 Unfortunately the frog peed on Kevin after a while and he dropped it. Then it hopped away. It was funny.
Have a great Friday and weekend everybody!
4916 -
smz, szm, eek……..TGIF! That frog story is funny! I can imagine that Kevin couldn't get rid of it quickly enough after it peed on him. It's lightly sprinkling here, but I can see blue sky all the way around, so it's not going to amount to anything. I'm going out to dinner tonight…..my favorite…..steak, baked potato and salad. I just gotta have that about once a month. What's on your agenda for the weekend?
4917 -
Hi Skaycog,
Hope you had a nice meal! Well tomorrow we are going to a car show, I'll fill you in on what e did so far later, had an excellent nap today though. Off to bed now.
Have a good one,
4918 -
smz, szm, pdq…….Good morning! As always, the weekend just flew by. My steak dinner was incredible, as always. This Italian restaurant uses a beef raised in the CO mountains, and it's the best. I had out-of-town guests part of Saturday, so Sunday was my day to run errands, shop, clean, blah, blah, blah. We had wonderful rain showers both Saturday and Sunday nights. Lightning set a couple of fires in the area, but they were quickly extinguished by the rain. Whew. Have a nice Monday!
4919 -
Hi Skaycog,
Sounds like you had a good time and some rain. We had a great weekend here. Aga and I made that great french toast again, Jake had a baseball game, I took Kevin to the last Harry Potter film, we played with some puppies and took Max to the bark park, did some more frog walks, kids are pretending to have a band, went to that car show, the transmission came, played some ping pong and some games, vacuumed, mowed the lawn, and Aga made a poster for her friend's birthday. It was busy and fun.
Have a good one,
4920 -
msz, zsm, pto…….No kidding that you had a busy weekend. Monday is over…yay! It wasn't too bad, but I guess Monday just has a bad reputation. I'm almost ready for an early dinner, a bit of paperwork, then a glass of wine and relaxation in front of the TV. I guess there was a couple of deer in my front yard this morning according to neighbor across the street. I love it! Have a good Monday evening!
4921 -
Hi Skaycog,
That's neat about the deer. On a bike ride a few weeks back the kids saw deer, that was neat, but some other really loud bikers scared them away. Here's a neat-o pic of Jake with a frog:
It's all getting so busy around here with the start of school. The coach has moved first practice from W to Th then now to F. Argh I can't make F easily, will have to move a bunch of plans, and she did not ask first! Anyway yesterday Kevin had a lot of homework, I helped a lot. This morning was picture day. Kevin has first soccer practice, Jake has a baseball game, and Michelle has gymnastics all at about the same time! Friday is our friend's surprise party, I was going to stay with the kids home so Agnes could go, now I don't know, looks like I need a sitter. Thursday is soccer practice and parent teacher meetings.
Anyway was a really nice evening though. I went on a walk with Kevin after we worked on a really funny short essay, then played ping pong with Aga and Sequence before hot tub and bed. Today busy at work again. One of the guys I work with went on a trip to Alaska, busy for me being alone. Soon he retires, I'd be lying if I said I was not stressed, cause I'm scared! 🙁
Have a good one,
4922 -
smz, zms, wrx……Cute picture of Jake and frog. Jake's a cutie! Is the surprise party Friday night for a birthday? You said "then played ping pong with Aga and Sequence." Who is Sequence? Why are you scared with the coworker retiring? So many questions…..so little time. You're extremely busy, both at work and private life. I hope you sleep well at nights. Happy Taco Tuesday!
4923 -
Hi Skaycog,
Ha I did have tacos even yesterday! I still have some more left overs. I had herring too, which is great I think, but I think you wold not like it on account of it being REALLY fishy. It's funny, the guys I work with told me to make sure I eat the herring in the lunch room, but one guy brought back liver and onions to eat here from the cafeteria! I thought that was prety bad smelling myself.
The party is a birthday, and Aga will be able to make it since it is late enough for me to be back from soccer practice in time. Aga made this really nice present. She always does something silly for her friends. This time it is a poster with candy making a message. Like there is this candy Mike & Ike. She painted a heart over the 'ke' part so the message starts Mike & I love… Anyway there are tons of great sweets to use in such a message, 100 grand, smarties, etc. She even worked in be'twix'ed HA! It was very clever, Aga and I were brainstorming on it one evening.
Sequence is another game, here is a photo, it also has that french toast in it: https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-8w7ajMZXqAg/Tl… Aga and I call it Squirkle though. That's cause we used to play this game Quirkle Cubes right before I got Sequence as a present for Aga and we messed-up so long before we noticed that it has stuck, ha! Anyway that game and Set were what we were playing before, but Aga was just killing me almost every time, so I am glad we have a game that has enough chance in it for me to win occasionally. She's a clever gamer.
I'll write more about work later, I need to get on it now. Today is pretty laid back at home though, yippie! I did not sleep well tonight though, that's because of something else, I'll get to that too later if I can. Anyway, life's great, saw a Jeepster yesterday, and Jake had a great game, I won't let crap get me down for too long.
Have a good one,
4924 -
szm, msz, fbi………..Well, the day is winding down, and it was a good day for me, as always. The wind is blowing and it's thundering, but no rain. There was an Slate article on my homepage that storm chasers were a dying breed. I LOL'd.
I hope you had a good day, and I hope your evening is great!
4925 -
Hi Skaycog,
Dang that article is pretty sad, people not being able to make a living as photographers kits kind of close to home regarding Aga. So that photographer that was her inspiration as a little girl, his son ended-up selling his dad's business, same reason, could not afford to keep it going. It's a shame because it's a mix of craftsman and artist, so it will just end-up being a hobby for people in the future I guess. Anyway it reminded me of this article about Irene:
So about work, Sept 30th is the last day for the tev. I work in accelerator division, not enough people took the voluntary retirement, so that's scary for me going forward. Just about potentially being let go. But in addition a lot of people that I have been working with have been leaving, so I have been getting more work. Finally my office mate is leaving, he has been here more than 40 years, he just can't be replaced even if they would hire someone. There is a lot of old stuff that I really don't understand how it works, scares me too that I will have to keep that going. Along those lines there are some people that want to replace the old preac with a proton driver, it is the oldest stuff here after all. How will the politics work out?
But recently I have been having to do some work on some new systems. A lot of the other people have backgrounds in mi, so they have different ideas about how it is supposed to work, that's frustrating for me, we do some things differently because it is pulsed machine vs. storage ring. It's hard to get people to do things differently and it has not been going my way recently, well for months. They even had me change some things for really moronic reasons that led to a whole lot of work, broke things for a while, that when you get down to it it is again simply because they come from a different background. Also at the same time I have been working on a new digitizer, again different backgrounds, it's way more than needed, and that causes problems because things happen like signal drops by 50% for such fast hardware. But the board just plain does not work right and it's been back and forth getting things fixed, time consuming, and I have a meeting on it Friday.-
But also in addition to this there have been two big security issues since last Wednesday, that's time consuming too. In one of them the software vendor is incredibly stubborn. Anyway just been draining and stressful at work recently. I'm always really happy to come home to Aga, kids, and Max. Ha that reminds me. We took Max to the bark park, he got SO incredibly filthy, had this green spiky seeds stuck in his fur even that we gave-up. He went to the spa (seriously that's what they call it) and it took 4 hours! Anyway he is just so adorable looking now. Michelle gave him a neckerchief. She was playing dress-up with him yesterday, sweaters, hats, wigs, etc. He had this look in his eyes like WTF, but he's so calm and easy going and went along with it all. Anyway sorry for the long message.
Have a good one,
szm, msz, pop……..I see now why you are stressed out, and I would be too. That's a lot to have on your mind. It is good that you have Aga and kids to go home to every evening. I hope your Friday meeting ends well for you. Good luck on everything. I had to smile at your story of Michelle dressing up Max, as I did that to our poor dog when I was a kid. Little girls have to play dress up with everything, I guess. I'm going out to dinner at a new Asian restaurant in town. I've heard mixed reviews on it, so tonight I'll form my own opinion. Have a good evening.
4927 -
HI Skaycog,
How was the Choriental place? That term was from the play we saw. Anyway been enjoying the extended weekend here. Did the surprise party, Jake's baseball game, another birthday party, and today we went to a state park with Max and the kids. Tomorrow we go to my parents' house. Do you have any neat plans for the extended weekend?
Have a good one,
4928 -
smz, szm, yak……My 3-day weekend just flew by, and today seems like Monday. *yawn* I had guests part of Saturday, and ate out several times, went shopping, yada, yada, yada. The new Choriental restaurant was excellent. I had Yakatori to compare with Japanese restaurant in town. It was very good, but not quite as good. I went back yesterday noon and had their chicken in orange sauce, which was fantastic and is now my favorite Asian food. I went to Chili's last night, and just had an appetizer of chicken nachos, which were yummy. It sounds like your weekend was filled with activities, which is the normal for you.
Happy Taco Tuesday!
4929 -
Hi Skaycog,
Glad to hear you liked the new place! BTW, I don't think Choriental was a nice term, in the play it was said by some pretty foolish police officers for laughs. We went to Chile's recently too, they have this deal where a percentage of the bill goes to the soccer teams. Oh man did my kids love it because they had this thing at the table where they could play games and watch cartoons. That's new, we've been there before since Kevin likes it so much. Aga does a good job explaining our trip here (click for more, wow those are great legs!):
<img src="http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-8-0OJ_g_RYI/TmZecBxQZiI/AAAAAAAACAI/S0EqgZnVXVQ/s500/IMG_4712.jpg" width="500">There was some funny stuff too. We were going to go camping there, but you needed to pay for 4 days! So we did not because there was so much going on that weekend. The Racins did though. The birthday lady wanted to go with us though so we planned it, but (surprise!) her friend from CO came over for her birthday. So we just went ourselves. But we park at the first place in a lot near to where we want to hike, and there is Jake's buddy! So we hiked them. After that we were going to eat first and go to the other park to hike more. I called Racin to see if we could eat at their camp site, but they were out and about, so we ate at a picnic area. Then we go to the other park, and meet by chance, I mean it's a huge place so that's pretty small chances too. The only bad thing is that the stamp for the treasure hunt we did was stolen 🙁 That reminds me, in Oct Racin is racing in lemons!
Now the thing that kept me awake last week. I got mad at jalopnik and gawker. There was all that "please do not post NSFW" comments and Ray said, "Don't use blog view." The next day I'm home checking the web before a baseball game and there is a really not nice picture, I quickly click the no blog view doodad, now it's gigantic right at the top! What in the!? Luckily Jake was in the kitchen, Kevin upstairs, and Michelle at a friend's home. I took a screenshot and closed it. I get home and then in the night I read a really not nice story on giz about a date and a poor guy that did not deserve it. There is a comment there about how to delete your account, I decide to as well, just ashamed to have commented on that bunch of companies at that point too many times. I go to jalop to say good bye, there is that pic again, right under a FIAT/Chrysler ad, man I bet they would not be too happy about that. Anyway, I have tried three times now to delete my account, the best I ever got to was after confirming like three times that yes I want to a little doodad just spins. I was hoping it had actually marked it for deletion the last time, but I tried it last night and I can still comment, so it's upsetting that not even that works! Anyway that first night I could not sleep do to withdrawal from jalopnik and knowing how I will miss all those folks 🙁 I went through pages of oppo and some years old posts. I'm really REALLY glad you come around here friend.
Have a good one,
szm, zms, pft……..Fancy just running into Racin at the park! He's going to have a ball racing in Lemons. I know he likes his oval dirt racing, but he's going to love the road course. That's a lovely picture of Aga, and, yes, she does have nice legs. It's too bad about the NSFW stuff on Jalopnik, and I can sympathize with everyone who could get in trouble at work or have a child see the image. It's really distasteful of them, but I have a feeling that it's over the heads of the J. editors. I just shrug it off, as it's certainly not worth raising my blood pressure over. Water off a duck's back, so to speak. I still enjoy commenting there, but it's not the same, for sure. My Monday or Tuesday, or whatever today was, went by really fast.
Have a nice Tuesday evening!
4931 -
Hi Skaycog,
<img src="http://www.murileemartin.com/UG/LMI11July/LMI11July-UG-0983_t.jpg"> I hope Racin has a blast. Sometimes cars don't get to drive much at lemons this one looks like a winner though 😉 That happened to his friend last time, mechanical things keeping it off the track. The good thing is that Racin is a very cautious driver. There were some doofuses that were too agressive and stupid last time, a CRX comes to mind.
It's not the NSFW itself that bothered me (I like your trophies and all), it was the treatment of the commentariat. Ray had replied to not use blog view, and then it was the big story with the giant picture the next day. That's simply mean. Also with the other story, Matt and Ray were making joking comments about it, again mean, and I had it at that point. I still have to contact gawker to get my account removed, I won't have the will power otherwise. But it's so much more fun to call the kids or Aga or write/read here instead. Anyway it's a theme I guess people being mean. I ran across this really nice post yesterday: http://www.thetruthaboutcars.com/2011/07/ask-amy-… But then the second comment, it just boggles the mind. You never know, maybe that fellow had a rough day or something about how his parents were. I like the posts that MM does on his site too if I am not mixing people up. I loved that post though about the lady and her Morris Minor.
Did you know there are more pictures if you click the legs? Yesterday I left work early to take Kevin to the doctor. He sprained his ankle the first soccer practice and it is still bothering him. He's so funny, it will feel better and then he goes and does something like jump on the trampoline. He did not tell us until after Starved Rock even. So x-rays, only sprained he has a thing to wear now, no gym, no soccer, but he really wanted to get crutches since then he would get to ride the elevator at school, ha! Today is the second soccer practice for Jake and me, exciting. We use goal keepers this year.
Have a good one,
4932 -
msz, mzs, bob………Fall is definitely in the air here. We had .50" rain last night, slow and steady; and today it was only in the 60's with cloud coverage all day. I did click Aga's legs and see the other pics…..great photography. If you're uncomfortable at J. now, by all means, stay away. Maybe if you'd just take a leave of absence, you might enjoy it again…..or not. Too bad Kevin sprained his ankle, but him wanting crutches so he can ride the elevator at school is hilarious! Kids…..they're priceless. Have a great Hump Day evening!
4933 -
Whew…didn't mean to drop off the earth there for a while. We got our partnership information dumped on us last week with pretty much no time to turn it around so it was a frantic scramble for us to finish them. But they are done now and out the door, which is great, except that now we are behind on our state returns and the 10/15 deadline is fast approaching so it will be busy for a while.
Luckily I had a nice long labor day weekend in there to cool down a bit. A bunch of us went to the UP of Michigan and did lots of outdoors stuff. My favorite was the sauna. We would crank up the wood fire and get the sauna room to about 175 degrees…then go and jump in the lake. We did this at night and the temps outside were in the lower 40s F. Very Refreshing!
It sounds like you had a good Colorado steak. Whenever my family and I go out west we make darn sure to have a steak…it really is better to have steak in steak country!
4934 -
It's been pretty busy here and will stay that way for a while but I'll be sure to keep checking in. That's too bad that the Tev is shutting down and being uncertain about your future there. Hopefully things will work out.
4935 -
TowerofPower…..I had it figured that you've been extra busy at work. It sounds like your 3-day weekend was very relaxing and just the kind of R&R you needed. My latest food addiction is chicken in orange sauce at a new Asian restaurant in town. I like it so well that I doubt that I even try anything else there because nothing could taste better than that. I'm weird that way. Have a great end of the week and weekend!
4936 -
I'm glad to hear you got a nice break from all the work recently. I've never had a steak in CO, but I did have Kobe beef in Kobe Japan, not the highest two grades though, since it was so expensive, but the chef let me try just a little bit of the finest kind. It was good, but not $100+ (for the best grade) good!
Enjoy the rain. We might have some tomorrow, I was supposed to take a vacation day, but if it is bad I will not. It drizzled a bit this evening, hope it's the same tomorrow only. I'm supposed to vs Aga in tennis, other than that no plans. She's trying to beat my high score in Yoshi (7000) right now, another competitive thing for us recently. I emailed gawker yesterday, account should be gone in a few weeks.
Have a good one,
4937 -
zms, zsm, bob……..I made it through the week, and the time just flew by…..it seemed like four days instead of five…..oh, wait! I'm going out to dinner tonight, probably Mexican food. I was going to the mountains tomorrow, but that has been postponed until possibly next Saturday. So, I'll have a usual weekend of shopping, cleaning, eating out, friends and whatever. I know you'll have your usual busy weekend. Have a good weekend. How's Kevin's ankle?
4938 -
Hi Skaycog,
Kevin says his ankle is a lot better. He wants to not wear the air cast (that's what it's called, what a ridiculous name) next week. Yesterday Aga signed me up to be the den leader for Jake! Right away one of the other leaders sent an email to everyone that I had offered to be the leader, thanks Honey. Anyway she went to a parents meeting before the start on Thursday and they said they had no one lined up. All morning Jake has been talking about it and the pinewood derby. It's really cute. But I had a buddy I used to work with that got suckered in like this and it really turns-out to be a very big tome commitment. The great news is right after that email got sent Aga's friend called and asked if I would like the help from her husband. YES! I really like this guy, he has the coolest hobby, beekeeper! Anyway we had a great day yesterday, too bad it flew by so fast. We might play tennis again tomorrow. We wire Thai, I hope you had a great dinner too.
Have a good one,
4939 -
smz, zsm, 911…….What a beautiful late summer day it has been with just enough breeze that makes my flag that I put out for the day flutter nicely. At church this morning, we had a special candle lighting and prayer for 9/11. It was really touching. The rest of my day has been uneventful other than a neighbor stopped by, and I got a lot of things done around my house. Buickboy asked about you last week. I told him to stop by here, but he hasn't yet. You do have a huge commitment being den leader……thanks, Aga. With that beekeeper helping you though, it won't be so bad.
Happy Sunday!
4940 -
Hi Skaycog,
Aga cried during some of the TV stuff on yesterday morning. Tonight is the first meeting for cub scouts leaders. Sorry I did not have much time, will not for a while. One of the guys I work with is retiring and I am doing a lot to get ready. Cute thing yesterday though, Jake and Michelle made an Apple Picking Queen crown from leaves for Aga and we went apple picking, though Aga forgot the crown 🙁
Have a good one,
4941 -
szm, zsm, gee…….I can't believe it's Hump Day already. I also can't believe that Fall is sneaking in with welcome cooler temperatures. But it also means that there won't be any more car shows until next Spring. There's not much going on with me, just enjoying every day to its fullest. I hope your Cub Scout leadership is going well. That's quite a commitment, but I'm sure you'll do an excellent job. Later!
4942 -
Hi Skaycog,
It's getting colder here too, Aga and Michelle already complain and cover themselves-up with blankets, that's strange to me about females. To me it's perfectly fine, Aga was upset that I played a little tennis with Kevin after soccer practice because she said it was too cold, but we were running around.
Yesterday was a great day! This weekend Fred found out about an old Volvo in a barn. It has not been driven since the '70s. He bought it and I helped him to pull it out. Well with Fred, it's that I learned a lot from him. He knows what he is doing, he had all these tow straps, a floor jack, long handle with hook, portable air compressor, etc. He doesn't show a lot of emotion, but I know at this point that what little outward sign there was meant he was really happy.
<img src="https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/312531_705808681610_2912893_35432458_252672838_n.jpg" width="500">
For lunch today I take cub scout leader training online.
Have a good one,
Dang-nab-bit I forgot to pick all new comments notification, anyway here is a family movie Aga made.
[youtube pkEsauHNYLA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pkEsauHNYLA youtube]
zms, mzs, doc…….Look at the snow on the summit of Pikes Peak. I don't know how much is there, but not enough to stop the Cog Railway from running. Colo. Springs had about 5" of rain last night, with minor flooding. My town got about 1", and it was wonderful! Nice video Aga put together. It sounds like Fred found quite a treasure in that barn. How many miles does it have on it? Yeah, females are know for having cold feet and cold hands, and I'm no exception. Have a great Thursday!
<img src="http://www.cograilway.com/Summit/summitcam.jpg"width="500"/> -
Hi Skaycog,
Still very busy, sorry 🙁 I don't know how many miles on the Volvo, can't believe I did not check. Here is the inside: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-a… I think it is a lot different on the inside than mine (lost changed from '67-68) and that the condition of the interior is exceptional. We also had another run in with Handy the coon over the weekend. I'll get to that when I get a chance. Glad the flooding was a ways away and only minor.
Have a good one,
That's a beautiful Amazon and a great barn find. I've had a real thing for the wagons as of late – hopefully six months or a year down the road a slightly-rough example will appear on Craigslist and I'll have a real project.
This may or may not be 4947; I'm not sure exactly how your counting system works.-
Hi Fuzzy!
I hope you find one too! There was a REALLY rough one around here for $650 a few months back, but Fred said it was not worth more than $250. I passed, but I liked the red interior, a lot. Plus it had a roof rack. Fred has started to investigate the one he just bought (the pictured one) and he says it looks like some painted it in the '80s or so and that there is a lot of rust that he did not know about earlier on the body.
We try to reply to the top most comment (in this case the one from tempesjo) so things appear in order, but don't worry about it. If you subscribe to 'all new comments' yo still get notifications even in email. You know until now I thought you were fuzzy push broom, ha!
Have a good one,
smz, szm, coo……..You did say you were going to be extra busy. I hope all is going well at work for you. So the raccoon is pestering you again. I thought he was long gone. I went to the mountains over the weekend and explored and enjoyed the beauty. We had to stop the car completely while about ten deer crossed the road in front of us. One day last week, there were eight deer in the empty lot in back of my house. There was one buck and seven does……they were beautiful. I think the buck is going to be very busy with the rut……next month, I think.
Happy Taco Tuesday!
4946 -
Hi Skaycog,
<img src="https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/299436_708219964380_2912893_35449128_1342038504_n.jpg" width="500"> Dang nab it! Still very busy, anyway I been getting a lot ready for the retirement lunch for Bob, I have to make a speech, yikes. Plus I have another meeting to plan the den meetings this year with Andrew, phew. Oh wait I have a job as well 😉 So that's Handy, man did he ever cause a mess. He's up in the corner in the garage there near the door in that photo. And the Stormies are due a story, and well tradition beckons.
On Saturday we heard some sounds, but first we thought it was the kids. Then we thought it was Max. Then we heard it yet again and I was worried that Handy had come into the kitchen through Max's doggie door. So I told Aga to go up and check on the kids. She was all no you go, but I really wanted her upstairs so she would not freak out if she saw Handy in the house. Finally she went upstairs all grumpy, so I went into the kitchen, no Handy, but I heard something in the garage. So I opened the door from the laundry room to the garage.-
There he was on a shelf right by the door at about eye level with me. For a few seconds we just looked at each other, both not knowing what to think I guess. Then he hoped off and scampered to a corner. All this recycle and trash was strewn about. He had been chowing down on the decorative Indian corn the moment I saw him that we had on that shelf for hanging outside each Thanksgiving. I left the garage and told Aga. She said let him out, just open the garage door. But I thought, "Ooh I can be the hero here for Aga, Madeline, Leslie, Meredith, and Lindsay, I'll catch him!' I should have listened to my smarter half.
So I get into thick clothes, I even have my bike helmet on, that made Aga laugh. I have a bat with me and some marshmallows in the trap. And I go back into the garage, he scampers again into a corner and then climbs up like in that photo. I put the cage on the floor near him, and man did he ever made awful mean sounds and sort of do these head fakes. I made mean sounds back, ha ha, yes I am that stupid. I notice he is liking a paw a lot. I leave. I am pleased, then Aga says, "Are your car windows closed? Don't you think he will just eat the trash all night? Let him go I don't want him in the garage all night."-
Oh man all that was true, but I'm pretty stubborn. I go back in and using the two doors to the laundry room like an air lock pick-up all the recycle and trash, and take it out into the backyard. I close the windows to my car, and bring in everything I don't want him to chew on like the wring harness and even the transmission and overdrive and put it in the kitchen. During that time I noticed bloody paw prints, simply everywhere! I saw a spaghetti-os can that he had cut his paw on, I felt pretty bad about that, that must have been the worst of the noise we heard earlier, him clanging about with a can on his front leg.
Well I need to stop for today, to be continued…
Have a good one,
4949 (awww what a cute integer….)
smz, szm, arf………What a hilarious story!! I wish somebody could have video taped you in your outfit and your confrontation with the raccoon. I really laughed at that. It's an experience you will never forget…..EVER!
New place, and it wasn't easy to find: http://hooniverse.info/2011/05/31/who-needs-a-hybr…
You guys are really going to feel bad when you see the guy actually riding the bike underneath.
Jack Sprat couldn't ride on back,
But only his wife could steer and lean,
And so what cracked his spine, you see,
Was the foot-long zipper on some sweet black jeans.
There is clearly a tasteless innuendo about a crotch rocket to be made, but every time I try to make it, I throw up a bit in my mouth.
Well… it is pink.
That's it. I'm not blindly clicking on the next article link on the top of the page any more.
Morning Qualifying had better be up next time I open Hooniverse. If not, I might just ruin my keyboard.
She might give the road rash when she falls off.
What's the difference between riding a fat chick and a moped? It's kind of fun, but you don't want your buddies to see you doing it.
While "hawking" at the Cactus League/Spring Training games in Tucson on our way back from 'Mex one year, a co-worker (who was,..ahem, rather large and not particularly pretty), pulls up on her moped to the bus stop where I'm waiting.
"Wanna' ride?"
Oh, Hell yes!
After a while she get's that f*cker spooled up and is just completely lawless, bike-lane, sidewalk, behind the bus shelter, back into traffic… Left Turn NOW! The street is her canvas, and we're a hair's breadth from Jackson Pollack.
The whole time I'm hoping somebody I know see's me, but alas, no one does. We get to work, and while she shakes her hair as she pulls off her helmet and I think I'm going to kiss her, she says,
"Pretty Fuckin' Fun, Huh?"-
That's an awesome story.
Have you seen http://thunderdrome.com/ ?
Well, the fact that she rides a motorcycle is kinda hot….
WHAT?!?!? -
Surra de bunda does not work well on a bike.
Fat chicks try harder……..
Sweet buffet racer!
cheap shots at fat girls. classy. more than half the women in this country are overweight – kudos to this chick rockin a custom bike – bet she can ride better than most of us. And as for mopeds… they go better with friends. 🙂 http://carspottingnyc.tumblr.com/post/6759534915/…
Don't feed the trolls… DON'T FEED THE TROLLS…
This girl is on a 2 lane road in a T-shirt, skinny jeans, and shoes with no socks. She is no where near her brake, shifter, or steering mechanism. A 2×4 across the road will send her off her bike and into an early grave. Just thinking about riding like that means she cannot ride better than anyone with 3 brain cells to rub together.
Cheap shot, my Aunt Fanny. If this girl was in proper gear and proper riding position, she wouldn't be on Last Call. Ride like an idiot, get treated like one.-
I think he's playing to his sig.
So ironic that you said Skinny Jeans…
Thank you for explaining that we are supposed to be repulsed by her riding style and lack of protective gear. Now that you've made that clear, I'll now disregard the other 90% of the comments that got it wrong by making references to her weight.
Oh no, you misunderstand. I am saying that her lack of gear and poor riding style make it totally o.k. to make fun of her weight.
<img src="http://www.motorcyclehelp.org/cache/2041307763_7809535f71.jpg">
Here's another motorcycle-riding female who's totally repulsive because of her "T-shirt, skinny jeans, and shoes with no socks."
Mock away, boys.
EDIT: Yes, I am deliberately taking the piss here, but hopefully you get my point. -
She's not repulsive now but give her time:
<img src="http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n222/Oldskool-03/image2.jpg" width=500> -
That's going to need a lot of lotion.
Hoonibles also hates proper gear and technique.
Gross. Someone had way to much rice.
Eh, I'd hit the curves with her.
bike is nice, beached whale not so nice…
et tu? Are you shooting for the Nebraska race this year?
Nope. Broke. May actually get to go though.
My God, she's causing the colours to bleed out of the white as if refracted in a prism.
4901 – 4950. Hehehe! You are the chosen one, my friend! We are moving in……move over.
This is it!!
Yay! Thanks for choosing me!
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