This is a SAAB 93, which as we all know was available with a 750-cc two stroke, an engine that proved its mettle on the rallying circuit. Attempting to go that one better – or perhaps two better as the case were – was the 93 ‘Monster’ which featured two such engines, mounted transversely and driving through a central power takeoff. That’s 1,496-ccs and two strokes times six which made for a claimed 138-bhp and a 122-mph top end for the lightened car. At that speed, the 93’s nominally aerodynamic body would tend to lift and attempt to say how you doin’? to passing aircraft, thus ending the experiment. Last Call indicates the end of Hooniverse’s broadcast day. It’s meant to be an open forum for anyone and anything. Thread jacking is not only accepted, it’s encouraged. Image: Auto Neurotic Fixation
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