Last Call- Mr. Plow Strikes Again Edition


Upon its introduction, one of the Saturn’s touted features was its plastic body panels. Unbeknownst to the layman, the pieces that made up the sides of the car weren’t all the same kind of plastic. The doors used Pulse alloy, a blend of polycarbonate and ABS, while the quarter panels and fenders were made of polyphenylene oxide and polyamide (PPO/PA), which was known as GTX. 

The thing of it is, no matter what the composition, in the end they’re all plastics and are no match for a municipal snow plow.

Image source: Imgur

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18 responses to “Last Call- Mr. Plow Strikes Again Edition”

  1. JayP2112 Avatar

    At least the owner can "Do the Dew".

    1. dukeisduke Avatar

      "Dude, who plowed my car?!?"

  2. $kaycog Avatar

    Snow wonder some snowplow drivers are called asshats.

    1. apfeifer3 Avatar

      Icy why they aren't liked much.

      1. MVEilenstein Avatar

        There snow joking about that.

        1. RichardKopf Avatar

          That's quite the flurry of puns, there.

          1. Sjalabais Avatar

            Looks better than flames. Much cooler, I shall say.

    2. calzonegolem Avatar

      $kay you're such a flake.

  3. salguod Avatar

    To be fair, steel panels would have been a mess from such a strike as well. Of course, they wouldn't likely be sliced open like a cheap sardine can, but still a mess.

  4. P161911 Avatar

    The guy that sideswiped my old K-5 Blazer did something similar to his 280ZX with the rear bumper of my Blazer.

    1. dukeisduke Avatar

      Was he listening to "Freak Out" by Le Chic?

  5. Devin Avatar

    An artistic representation of General Motors' treatment of the Saturn brand.

  6. PotbellyJoe Avatar

    They also shattered in amazing ways when frozen and hit by a Volvo. I may have experienced it.

  7. Tim Odell Avatar
    Tim Odell

    Freezing temps can help with the mechanical performance of those materials, either.

  8. dukeisduke Avatar

    Time to start searching, for panels of the same color.

  9. POLAЯ Avatar

    Last seen at the scene carrying a 5 pack of Mountain Dew.
    <img src=""&gt;

  10. Roberto G. Avatar
    Roberto G.

    I really could kill, for something like this.

  11. FuzzyPlushroom Avatar

    That culprit again is Mr. Plow.