It’s no secret that key to better lap times on racing games is to have your Thrustmaster hovering in the air while screaming at everyone in front of you to get the hell out of your way. That’s obvious. What isn’t so obvious is that not having pedals and just imagining they’re there is what really shaves off those stubborn seconds. The lady in this German furniture catalog shows us exactly how it’s done.
Now, I don’t know about you but this looks like the ideal setup for any serious gamer. Our Editor-In-Chief Jeff has been telling us he’s looking at maybe getting a wheel setup and this is the best we could come up with. I can picture it now, beer on the table next to him while he dives deep into the gravel pit. The extreme rage sends him into the exact position you see here. A glorious sight that must come to fruition. Plus, it’s on sale!
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