Suddenly overwhelmed by his sense of smug self righteousness, a Prius-owner regrets having ordered that double half-caf soy latte.
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Last Call- Hot Lunch Edition
20 responses to “Last Call- Hot Lunch Edition”
Unintended evacuation
Try as he might, the enthusiast cannot suppress the gag reflex when driving a Prius.
I thought a response like that was only reserved for the Aztek.
… and yet another Prius owner realizes their farts actually stink.
……only after he was hot boxing it for an hour
Ummmm, isn't that the rear passenger doing the barfing? I guess he couldn't take anymore of the self centered smugness of the driver, and had to hurl. Well, that's what I would do!
I believe you're right, in which case he's doing it all wrong… he should be vomiting down the driver's back.
At least it didn't happen when he was up alongside a wall. Happened to me – inebriated friend in the back seat, sitting in a drive-through line, he had to puke. He tried to open the door but smacked it hard against the brick wall (thanks man) then puked all down the door panel, onto the seat and carpet (thanks again, man).
Thankfully the dump he then had to take was left in the garden on the other side of the fence and not in my back seat. Cleaning up vomit is not as unpleasant as some other bodily functions, I suppose.-
This one time…
…actually, I'm not gonna tell that story.-
No fair! You are hereby notified of your contractual obligations under heading (C), sub-part (1)(f), which clearly state that any story begun must be finished to the satisfaction of the audience at hand.
Oh, what a feeling?
I don't think he's loving what it does for him.
The contents of his stomach is Moving Forward through his system.
Kudos to the the photographer for getting the timing of vomit ejection just so
So my wife is seven months pregnant with our second child and she has morning-sickness something bad. I carry a bucket in our car, but she's out with her helper in a company truck and then the need arises, so she whips into the first parking-lot she can find. It's a plant nursery, and as she's hurling a worker runs up and yells, "You go out in the Woods to do that! Not Here!"
She was crying as she told him she was pregnant, but he still made them clean it up. Her helper loves to tell this story.-
Wow– way too nice to the nursery jack-off. Your kind wife needs to tell him to make like a tree & leave. And her helper should've followed that with, "whatcha gonna do waterboy, – call the vomit police?"
Thanks to riding in a Prius, Bob's vomit can now save baby seals.
I did that once, in a Corolla taxi. Bad dumplings. Hangover. The Corolla probably didn't help.
I like American driving rules, you can even do a stomach-turn on a red.
You know, that's good self control. He's able to hold his foot on the brake while hanging out the door and throwing up.
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