Originally called decoration day, the last Monday in May was set aside here in the U.S. to commemorate the Union and Confederate soldiers who lost their lives in the American Civil War. Now called Memorial Day, and designated the official start of summer and white shoe and belt season, I think the real meaning of the day sometimes gets lost in the barbecue and beer that has become the day’s de facto signature.
This Norman Rockwell painting of a small town garage mechanic who stood up to serve his country a boy, and returned a man is – in my mind – one of the most powerful images of what this day truly means. Even if you don’t live in the U.S., I think it possesses an emotion that we all can share. If you happen to run into a serviceman or servicewoman today or any day, please don’t forget to offer thanks for the sacrifices they have made to keep us safe.
Image: Historythroughphotos
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