Last Call: Feeling a Little Blue Edition

Maybe you could cheer it up by putting it on a silver car.
Last Call indicates the end of Hooniverse’s broadcast day.  It’s meant to be an open forum for anyone and anything. Thread jacking is not only accepted, it’s encouraged.
Image: Imgur

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33 responses to “Last Call: Feeling a Little Blue Edition”

  1. Batshitbox Avatar

    There is a witty comment here.

      1. crank_case Avatar

        Great artist, terrible exhaust fitter.

    1. nanoop Avatar

      A tongue in cheek, slightly cheesy contradiction to your comment.

        1. Lokki Avatar


        2. nanoop Avatar

          Well, I wanted to go towards something like this in this thread, but of course, the interweb has it done already. 900+ comments, it would take us quite a while to get there.
          Or, citing “InterroBan” from p.12: “Mildly funny remark posted far too late.”

        3. Alff Avatar

          Meme commenting on the rapid descent of this thread.

          1. Hillman_Hunter Avatar

            Too-late response that nobody gives a shit about

          2. outback_ute Avatar

            Even later comment that misses the point entirely

  2. Alff Avatar

    Harlequin After Hours Edition

  3. dead_elvis, inc. Avatar
    dead_elvis, inc.

    Are the colorblind still fair game to screw with? Alrighty then, let’s green light the shenanigans!

    1. crank_case Avatar

      I hear he has dampers that adjust for pretension rather than preload.

      1. Lokki Avatar

        I read that as diapers.

        1. crank_case Avatar

          Gives new meaning to leading a pampered life..

  4. nanoop Avatar

    Clearly the owner enjoyed an education in higher mathematics.

  5. jeepjeff Avatar

    Long, unproductive day today. I got a long nurse-the-bike home session today. On the way home, a couple miles away from my place, I had a sudden loss off power, and then Little Bike ran terrible. When I got it home, I tore into the engine (as the clutch felt like it was still working as expected). Good news: timing chain is intact. Bad news: both valves lost the retaining nuts on their lash adjusters. Which would explain all the symptoms. :-/ I found the exhaust nut and got its lash adjusted. However, I’m going to need to go invest in a dental mirror to find the intake valve’s nut. Annoying thing: I was going to go and check on those in the next week or two (the bike is closing in on the next maintenance interval for valve adjustment). I’m going to dial back Yamaha’s suggestion and open those covers much more often after this.

    1. Batshitbox Avatar

      Well played. this is the 2 year (-ish) anniversary of the dress that broke the internet.

  6. Sjalabais Avatar

    Sweden is reinstating conscription (abandoned 2010) because of the detoriating security situation. It’s illustrated with an antique Volvo in pristine mountains, which, sort of, doesn’t convey the message.

    1. Alff Avatar

      Bröttillbaka Berg

    2. crank_case Avatar

      Does Norway still have conscription? Know someone who went to “prison” for being a (genuine) conscientious objector to military service. He was extradited from Ireland, but prison was more a sort of house arrest, more a case of being inconvenienced for six months that punished, but it’s a pain to technically have been a convict and the associated criminal record. Some countries allow civilian service instead (like working in hospitals, doing community work, etc.)

      1. Sjalabais Avatar

        Yeah, but only about half of those eligible are drafted; both women and men are eligible. Civilian service though has become very important to make society go round. I was too fit to avoid duty at that age, and did civilian service myself.

        1. crank_case Avatar

          Civilian service is a great idea, really could give young folks a lot of life skills.

          1. Sjalabais Avatar

            Agreed, a “free year” of social or ecological service, or, as in Scandinavia, learning proper hiking/diving/hunting/pottery for a year before more serious school appears to have become the norm.

    3. Batshitbox Avatar

      Soldier on left: Doesn’t this remind you of the Cold War days? They’re coming back, I hear.
      Soldier on right: Then it looks like we might need to modernize our equipment.

      1. Hillman_Hunter Avatar

        Conscript on left: I’m wearing green. In winter.
        Officer on right: winter gear is for soldiers!

      2. Vairship Avatar

        Soldier on left: Doesn’t this remind you of the Cold War days? They’re coming back, I hear.Soldier on right: Nah, with global warming this’ll be a lukewarm war.

    1. outback_ute Avatar

      What about a Honda for Tomorrow?

  7. Lokki Avatar

    This door is blue? It thought a door is a jar