Last Call- Don't Mess With Texas Edition

Being the first in your family to graduate high school can have its disadvantages.
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  1. Deartháir Avatar

    Tag love:
    I heart your dauter too- and I heart you not finding that out
    That very nearly caused Pepsi to squirt out of my nose.

  2. skitter Avatar

    My ads to the left are hooker boots and bejeweled stilettos. So much for small town values.
    And I don't even think it's appropriate to blame Charles for this one.

  3. highmileage_v1 Avatar

    Can anyone else hear banjo's?

  4. Alff Avatar

    Is that legal in Texas?

  5. Maymar Avatar

    Daut apparently means "to caress." I'll leave it to your respective imaginations what a dauter might be.

  6. Maymar Avatar

    Daut apparently means "to caress." I'll leave it to your respective imaginations what a dauter might be.

  7. Jeff Glucker Avatar
    Jeff Glucker

    at least it doesnt sat Daughtry…
    also, Mecum post coming tomorrow.
    Not the whole story, but an update…if you were watcing on TV, I was on TV for the majority of one of the vehicles sold.

  8. muthalovin Avatar

    And everything is right with the world, as far as Tejas is concerned.


    I think Texas condensed Daughter, Aunt, and Sister into one convenient word.

    1. coupeZ600 Avatar

      …….into one convenient thing …..

    2. Deartháir Avatar

      Also had to laugh at that one. Well done, Mr. Lar.

  10. Texan_Idiot25 Avatar

    As a Texan, I feel the need to apologize.

    1. coupeZ600 Avatar

      "Thank God for Mississippi!" is a common refrain around Arizona when we find that we're ranked 49th in education, and second in teen pregnancy, teen drop-out rates, and per capita incarceration rates. Makes Texas look downright progressive…..

  11. superbadd75 Avatar

    Don't call me DAUTER, not fit to. The picture kept will remind me…

    1. Tim Odell Avatar
      Tim Odell

      Eddie, what have I told you about hitting the sauce?

  12. FuzzyPlushroom Avatar

    <img src=""&gt;
    Yet again, the few making the many look bad.