Last Call- Cat-O-Soft-Tails Edition


After only a block Fluffy could tell the test ride had sealed the deal, and that he was on his way to yet another sales cat of the month trophy.

Last Call indicates the end of Hooniverse’s broadcast day. It’s meant to be an open forum for anyone and anything. Thread jacking is not only accepted, it’s encouraged. 

Image source: Imgur

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28 responses to “Last Call- Cat-O-Soft-Tails Edition”

  1. Batshitbox Avatar

    Well. I knew there had to be a complimentary event to Hot Rods and Dogs called "Motorcycles and Cats". dead_elvis was of the opinion that it was up to me to start one, but evidently I'm behind the curve already.
    Hooniverse commenters once again inspire the real world.

    1. dead_elvis Avatar

      I did what, where, now?
      I mean, glad you took my suggestion!

    2. Irishzombieman☆ Avatar

      *cough cough*… *cough

      1. dead_elvis Avatar

        (I actually saw that in my comment history, but didn't remember what it was referencing.)

        1. Irishzombieman☆ Avatar

          I have no idea why I remembered exactly where it was. Or why I remember it so specifically at all, except that your answer made me laugh.

  2. Alff Avatar

    Further proof that half of all Harley riders are pussies.

    1. Pidgeonsplatz Avatar

      Or is it that Harley's are pussy magnets?

  3. JayP2112 Avatar

    "My pals said I'd get tail with my new bike"

  4. Peter Tanshanomi Avatar
    Peter Tanshanomi

    Am I the only one who gets this formatting strangeness with some of the ads on Hooniverse?
    Sometimes they scrunch the content of the site into half its allotted column.
    It's only certain ads, and if I refresh and get another banner ad, its right again.
    Just curious whether it's a Mac or Firefox thing.
    <img src=""&gt;

    1. MrHowser Avatar

      I get it on Win7 Chrome sometimes.

      1. Scandinavian Flick ★ Avatar
        Scandinavian Flick ★

        Also Windows 7 and Chrome, and I get the format fuckery as well, both here and at work. Even on mobile sometimes… I never noticed the connection of the ads though.

    2. MVEilenstein Avatar

      Never had any issues here on Windows 8.

    3. Tim Odell Avatar
      Tim Odell

      It's actually a function of our servers and how the wordpress theme loads.
      Basically: high traffic right at that instant causes the page to get all the elements, but not the styling.
      The problem is it's intermittent and hard to reproduce.

    4. Sjalabais Avatar

      What's an ad?

    5. Dean Bigglesworth Avatar
      Dean Bigglesworth

      That doesn't bother me as much as the occasional ad that starts blaring trumpets at me as soon as it loads, and doesn't stop until i close the tab. happens maybe once a week, usually at work.

      1. C³-Cool Cadillac Cat Avatar
        C³-Cool Cadillac Cat

        Now, now…we all know it's wrong to read Hooniverse at work…

      2. Irishzombieman☆ Avatar

        Always wanted to set up a Rick Roll type website with a Goats That Scream Like Humans soundtrack.

  5. Mad_Hungarian Avatar

    Nice '63 Fairlane.

    1. Dieseldude Avatar

      PROVE to me that is not a 64…..please?

  6. PG Avatar

    Pretty sure riders shirt says "WANG FIGHT"

  7. P161911 Avatar

    Popeyes Supplements??? Wouldn't they just sell giant cans of spinach?

    1. dead_elvis Avatar

      & chin implants.

  8. P161911 Avatar

    I just found out the "towing insurance" that I have through State Farm includes a complete AAA style roadside assistance program for about 1/10th the cost of AAA. My wife managed to lock her keys in the car, I was about an hour away, and going would have put me in rush hour traffic. It is free to get locks popped, etc.! I used this for many years when driving vehicles of questionable reliability for the $75 worth of free towing, never knew it included anything else.

  9. Scandinavian Flick ★ Avatar
    Scandinavian Flick ★

    On the topic of ads, what's up with this one? Sexual Harassment University?
    <img src=""&gt;

    1. Scandinavian Flick ★ Avatar
      Scandinavian Flick ★

      Also, it's interesting that "Sarah is 4 miles away" both at work and at home. She must be stalking me, since I work 60 miles from my home.

  10. Arco777 Avatar

    Aww. Cute. I have a couple kitties of my own. Hard to train cats to do things like this but some take right to it. Had one cat back in the day that would ride around on my toy NAPA truck trailer.
    Also, <img src=""&gt;

  11. Number_Six Avatar


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