So this olelongrooffan has been spending some of my free time lately trying to organize the over 5,000 images I have saved to several different thumbdrives over the past few years. Some of the many images I have saved have been Vintage VW Ads. Most were created by Doyle, Dane and Bernbach and their early VW ads demonstrated a then new concept in advertising which I find entertaining. I especially like the lede image as it represents a food truck, long before their current popularity.
Below the jump are a few others I found in my “coolstuff/ads” file but a quick google image search will turn up hundreds more.
The two pictured above gather their inspiration from early DDB ads and carry on their tongue in cheek approach to advertising.
For the love of Levittown.
And to tell my fellow Hoons the truth, any of the longroofs shown in the above ad would be welcome in my livery any day of the week.
The above old school photograph is not a VW ad but my oldest brother and one of his girlfriends, and I am sure her name ended with an “a”, washing Bob’s new to him Bug at a local swimming hole just after his acquisition of it. This photograph is round about 50 years old and Bob, at nearly 70 years old, can’t remember this young lady’s name but still remembers the night he rolled that Bug going to visit yet another girlfriend whose name ended with an “a.” Lotsa memories right there.
VW Ad Images Shamelessly Stolen Over The Years
Bob’s Bug Image Copyright Hooniverse 2017/longrooffan
Just Cleaning Up The Thumbdrives: VW Ads
8 responses to “Just Cleaning Up The Thumbdrives: VW Ads”
Given the latest values of VW Vans, that one in the lead image is probably back on the road.
Good thing you filled in the backstory of that last photo. I figured it coulda been a precursor to this (fake) VW ad:
Edit to add: man, I already miss Last Call more than I expected to. Guess we’ll just have to screw around on all the posts now!-
Not fake, just the factory lacking the imagination and sound engineering of a true enthusiast. I’m not sure if he ever completed his 150 mile ocean challenge to cross the Bass Strait.
100% fake (the “ad” I posted, not your video). It was a parody published by National Lampoon magazine, inspired in part by a previous ad (below) boasting of the Beetle’s nearly air- & watertight construction. VW sued National Lampoon over unauthorized use of trademarks & the image of the car itself.
I don’t have ready access now to the shot I took about 15 years ago in the middle of the South Australian desert, so here is one I found, of the gates to a sculpture park beside the Oodnadatta Track.
OLRF, you should put these up somewhere, like on a Flikr site.
Somewhere OLF, there is a photo of that VW parked next to the garage at 1822 in all it’s wrecked splendor. I remember the first girl whose name ended in “A”, but not the second one. Say, does BBB (Big Brother Bob) wife’s name end in “a” or “ah”…. I’m betting the former instead of the later.
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