Jay Leno is one of the few people I’ve ever heard utter the words, “Doesn’t feel like twelve hundred horsepower.” There have been a few instances on his great Youtube channel Jay Leno’s Garage when he was not thrilled with cars he was driving, and made that clear. Sometimes with people from the company riding along with him. The most recent instance of this happening was when he was driving the $1.3 million Drako GTE.
I don’t trust this Drako Fella
It gradually becomes clear to Jay though the video that this car is basically a faster, re-bodied Fisker Karma. The car claims to have 1200 horsepower. You can scroll 22 minutes into the video to see what Jay thinks of that, and also how the guy from Drako tries to cover his ass. I’m not sure what it is about the co-founder of this company, but I don’t trust him. He could just as easily be preaching at the head of some self-help seminar instead of trying to sell cars. Next thing you know he’ll be telling me that I need to recruit three friends to sell some off-brand knives, and if they recruit three friends, and those three people recruit three friends…
2012 de Macross Epique GT1
Another slightly more brutal instance of this happens when Jay drives the ‘de Macross Epique GT1’, aka a re-bodied ford GT that claims to have 845 horsepower. I’m not going to try and summarize how Mr. Leno chooses to dissect the nature of this vehicle. Just skip to 9:50 to get his full take. It isn’t pretty.
One Surprising Car He Did Like
Cast yourself back twelve years and one big car company today was just getting started. When the Tesla Roadster came out in 2008, I guess Elon Musk wanted Jay to drive one. Musk himself showed up, and Leno had almost entirely nice things to say about Tesla’s first entry into the automotive business. Elon looks like his mom dressed him for some sort of important school-sponsored dinner, but the entire episode goes well nonetheless.
Jay Leno seems to be pretty good at predicting a car company’s success. Maybe he has some kind of special power from that full denim jumpsuit he wears all of the time. Maybe I should get one and see If I can predict the big winner in this electric truck fiasco. I think I might get one either way to be honest.
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