If you wanted to know how much more Canadian the video for selling this Lada Samara could be, the answer is, no more. It could be no more Canadian. I love Canada. They’re so easy going up there. As example, you can get Cuban cigars and Russian cars there, and their health care system is described by people in the U.S. as socialized so you know they don’t really give a flip one way or another about the Commies. These Canucks (Cold War Motors) have one of those Russian cars to sell, a $1,200 1990 Lada Samara S to be exact, and they have a most excellent time describing its idiosyncrasies in this video. I don’t think I would want to buy this car, but I sure would like to hang out and have a few beers with these guys. Watch the video and you’ll see what it’s all aboot. [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Il1IHduNBlw[/youtube] Source: YouTube
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