In the latest installment of Hoon’s Day Out, I want to share with you some of the station wagons at the LeMay Museum. Of all the cars I saw that day, these are probably my favorite. I’m sure a certain olelongrooffan will concur. Let’s take a look at these classic wagons.
First up, we have a 1958 Buick Estate Wagon. Of all the wagons I saw that weekend, this is my favorite. Just look at those colors! With massive chrome bumpers, fat whitewalls, and an acre of glass in the back, nothing says 1950’s like this wagon does.
Next, we have a 1956 Pontiac Safari wagon. Again, the colors really stand out here. The stark white against the blue-green (including the interior) really makes a statement. Like the Buick, there’s chrome all over this wagon, and that’s not a bad thing. Notice also the understated, almost conservative fins on the rear fenders.
Check out this 1949 Oldsmobile 76 wagon. You can see that the chrome craze hadn’t quite taken hold on this wagon, but it was creeping back from the headlights onto the fenders. No fins to be seen on this car, but check out the huge hood ornament.
Finally, have a look at this 1915 Ford Model T Depot Hack. You might consider this a forerunner to the station wagon, since it was designed primarily for moving people and their things from A to B. This hack has such creature comforts as curtain sides, a back rest on the bench seats, and a windshield wiper! Such luxury.
As with a lot of the hand crank vehicles I saw, this one has a sturdy leather strap to hold the crank when not in use. Handy (literally).
That’s it for this latest installment of Hoon’s Day Out. Let me know what you think of these people and parcel carriers.
[Photos Copyright 2013 Hooniverse/Marcal Eilenstein]
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