Hoon's Day Out: LeMay America's Car Museum – La Ferraris


In my previous post, I showed you around the parking lot of the LeMay museum in Tacoma, WA. That day, it just happened to be full of Ferraris of different kinds. I also mentioned that, while I appreciate them, I know little about these Italian thoroughbreds; several of you were kind enough to educate me in the comments, and I appreciate it. Well, if the Ferraris in the parking lot weren’t enough for you, check out this collection of vintage Italians.


Let’s kick things off with one of my favorites – the Daytona. Of all the Ferrari cars in this exhibit, this one is probably my favorite in terms of simple, effective design.


We overheard the president of the Washington chapter of the Ferrari club mention this Ferrari is one of the first cars they every built, and itself is the fourth such example, hence the license plate. Impressive, even to someone like me.


I know this is a 308, because, well, it says 308 on the back.


Another 308 variant? It’s very similar.


This is . . . gorgeous.


A little Pan-Am, anyone? This looks like a genuinely enjoyable place to work. Leather seats, wooden wheel, door pulls made of string.



I think many of us would agree that the F40 is one of the best Ferraris ever made. I’m a fan. Just look at that engine!

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The hinged roof on this Superamerica was a cool idea. I imagine it was heavy. Nice color, though.


This looks a lot like a GTO, but I know it isn’t. Incidentally, that back glass reminds me a lot of the late-model El Camino.

Well, this is it for the second installment of my Hoon’s Day Out. I hope you enjoy the pictures, and please feel free to add more detail in the comments.

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12 responses to “Hoon's Day Out: LeMay America's Car Museum – La Ferraris”

  1. Van_Sarockin Avatar

    Last one's a Dino… Nice collection there.

    1. MVEilenstein Avatar

      Thanks for the clarification.

  2. stigshift Avatar

    That Daytona is about as perfect a design as anyone ever penned.

    1. MVEilenstein Avatar


  3. Slow_Joe_Crow Avatar

    The LeMay collection really shows that "where there's muck there's brass" since he made his money collecting garbage. I really need to head up there this summer since it's onlt around 2 1/2 hours to Tacoma.

    1. MVEilenstein Avatar

      And less than $20 to get in, as I recall. Really good value.

  4. Zeepet Avatar

    Daytona is stunning even to this day. Great 4.4l 12cyl. with 6 Webers lined up in a row. Glorious sounds from the pipes and just enough manliness for the follically-challenged. Only issue is the lack of power steering. Cancel your gym subscription if you own one of these brutes. Parallel parking this beast will give you all the workout time your forearms can stand. Enzo must have been asleep when this rolled out the door.

  5. Scroggzilla Avatar

    And now, a few period shots of the 375MM piloted by Phil HIll and Richie Ginther at the 1954 Carrera Panamericana
    <img src="http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5047/5358730309_112bf20915.jpg"&gt;
    <img src="http://farm5.staticflickr.com/4146/4987111968_a59acd0317.jpg"&gt;
    <img src="http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2038/3542610521_29cf341b5c.jpg"&gt;

      1. MVEilenstein Avatar

        Great pictures.

      2. $kaycog Avatar

        Hi, Mr. Scroggs! I came across these photos and thought of you. There's possibly some pics in these 54 pages that you haven't seen. http://eknude.tumblr.com/

  6. krazykarguy Avatar

    308 GTB is the yellow one
    328 GTB is the red one parked in front