It’s pretty safe to say that the vast majority of cars sold today are of the transverse-engine, front wheel drive variety. That’s just the most common, and especially when you get down to compact and smaller sizes, one of the most space efficient designs available. And that’s what makes it kind of dull.
Cheap cars, at least those form Europe and Japan, used to have their engines in the back, usually hanging off like a dingleberry and ensuring the cars handled like a bucket on a rope. Front wheel drive with the engine weight baring down on those driven wheels is lots better, trading snap spins for boring but speed scrubbing understeer. For many however, the best solution for both handling and exotic coolness is to put the motor and the rest of the remaining mechanical bits fully in between the axle centers. Hence, the mid-engine car.
These mid-engined cars have not only owned much of the high-end performance landscape for decades. Even some sports cars with the engine in front of the passenger compartment can be considered mid-engine as the mill still resides within the wheelbase. It’s the ones where the engine sits over you shoulder that holds the greatest mystique however, and whether in front or behind you, what I want to know today is which most sets your heart aflutter. Which is your all-time favorite mid-engine car?
Image source: Spagweb
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