As far as elements go, Uranium-238 has the longest half-life at around 4.45 billion years, while the other end of the spectrum is supposedly occupied by Astatine (213At) which gets its business done in only 125 nanoseconds. Car ownership typically falls somewhere in between these two extremes, and in fact the average age of cars on the road today is at a record high but still modest 10.8 years.
You, however, are not average. And we are not interested in things that are average. If we were, then we’d all be cooing over Camrys and the menu at Applebee’s. No, we want exceptional, and denied that, we’ll make do with the outliers which in this case means the shortest time you’ve personally been the owner of a particular car.
Car ownership – especially for people who actually like cars – can be a tenuous tribulation. They say that governments are always planning to fight the last war, and contrastingly car enthusiasts are always planning to buy the next car. If that’s been the case in your past, what has been the shortest amount of time you have ever owned a car? And by that I mean actually had the pink slip.
Image: [BBCRadio]
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